only works if you dont take it seriously

I respect the hell out of this game, and overall i think it's pretty great, however, it suffers from some pacing issues. The first half is truly incredible and the ending is an absolute masterpiece, but i think it gets really boring in the middle. I just straight up didn't care about the story after a while, which sucks, because i really like the direction they took the plot, for the most part.

I wish i liked it more than i actually do, but still, damn good game.

Pretty much carried by it's somber and moody atmosphere, which is by far the best aspect of the game. The puzzles are just okay, the "boss battles" are so easy it's pathetic, the acting and dialogue are so bad it's hillarious (aka camp) and the story is just fine.

Could be better, but it's a pretty fun game!

Played the first three hours, and i'm giving up. All this prequel does is add useless convoluted lore to a very simple and straight forward story that didn't even need a prequel to begin with.

The two characters at once mechanic is pretty cool, though.

personally i prefer the fixed camera angle and overall gothic mood of the first Resident Evil game over the more accessible tone and gameplay of this one. That being said, it's kinda hard to deny that overall, RE2 Remake is a way more well executed version of the first game.