Classic all the way. Still holds up - the characters, the music (!), the intelligent story keep me coming back to it

Derivative, bland, and soo boring. I really wantes to like this but it does nothing to keep the player engaged

I was shocked by how much I loved the story - the big reveal is masterfully done and sucked me in. I loved it probably more than most

Liked it - but didn’t love it as much as everyone else seems to

Come on - it’s Mario 3!

Completely engrossing, amazing gameplay, and unique mechanics. Another classic

Really disappointing - couldn’t get into it at all

A huge graphical leap forward for RPGs with a strong narrative and characters. Honestly, blitzball knocks my rating down half a point. It’s that disappointing

Niche RPG from Squaresoft’s golden age. Maybe too philosophical for its own good - but still a very cool story and gameplay

Endless hours playing this…endless

Gets more hate than it deserves because of the main character. Gets a half point bump from me because of how crazy addicting the card game is.

Steep learning curve on the battle system, but very fun once you get the hang of it. Very cool story as well. Loved it

Slow paced but very rewarding battle system & character progression. Also, monster hunting!