Disappointing and even feels like an unnecessary money grab while you’re playing it

Only reason I ever played this game was because of its connection to MGS 2

Amazing character focused storytelling with beautiful graphics & environments

This is the first game I can remember obsessing over and begging my parents for Christmas. My siblings and I played it over & over for a year or more. Great, great memories. Can’t say how good it holds up, but for me it’s one of my favorite experiences with a game in my life

For me this game is the highlight of the genre. Super satisfying and still holds up

I truly believe this is the definitive version of the original RE, and the gold standard for remakes. Above and beyond in every respect, an awesome experience all around.

It’s a good adventure game, but I don’t like it as much as the people who obsess over it. Enjoyable but not “great”.

Started the FPS genre for me. Just had a ton of fun with it. Not sure if it holds up at all, but it was great in the moment

I truly truly disliked this game

For me, this is the greatest game ever created.

The most disappointing way to make a Pokemon game. Super mid

190 hours - 1 play-through. Enough said.

On the surface it was a standard for the time side scrolling beat-em-up. However, the branching storylines, multiple characters, RPG elements, and secrets made this game very special to me. One of those games that’s much, much better than it had to be.