459 Reviews liked by Richmondio


An interesting take on the franchise , in many ways what they always wanted to do but tragically , the game suffers from one fatal flaw that stops it from being trully special without mods : The scoutflies .Intrusive even when you're not tracking , they tunnel vision you so much you never actually learn the layouts of maps or the different vegetations of the ancient forrest leading to a lot of prustrations for a lot of people . The game is far better without them being constantly on . The fighting is actually pretty good , weighty enough to feel nice but also much less rigid than older games , for the better and worse but that comes to taste . Ultimatly a bit easy until the very end but that's the fate of any Base game for veterans .

Mass Effect 3 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Top 5. Top 3. Maybe the best.

There is a lot of discussion on what doesn’t work in ME3, and most of it is fair and true. The ending is bad. Miserable, really. But it has the skeleton of what could have been a great ending. Cut the game 5-10 minutes shorter, lose the tri-colored beams, and you have a dying Shepard sitting next to his mentor and father figure Anderson, taking that last, long break they have been needing. And right before, in the original ending, your two squad member choices burning into ash from the reaper’s blast. A tragic spin on the choice, for me at least, killing my two favorite characters who I took with me for one last fight. The one time I shouldn’t have.

Gameplay in ME3 has stepped up again. Visuals, animation and writing are at their peak in the third installment - reaching the top of an already tall mountain. The inclusion of multiplayer seemed tacked on when announced, but it was a great time. Shockingly, it still holds up.

But the writing is what rises above all else. A culmination of characters and choices over a 100+ hour trilogy, as a final installment is has the ability to write some final stories. And it does with precision.

Mass Effect is the gold standard for characters in games, and ME3 goes beyond. It is deep, harrowing, funny and ambitious, even if some choices were made with monetization in mind.

I’m wrapping up my final play through of the series right now. This game still rocks.

Story can't make up its mind whether it wants to be funny trope'y anime game or serious war drama. Lemme get this straight, it features GENOCIDE and BEACH EPISODE.

Gameplay is hella fun, but has quite a lot of problems like "scout rush" tactic and stupid ranking system.

Otherwise quite a good game, but a bit flawed.

actually genuinely the funniest game of all time. just got to my second playthrough focussing on psy stuff more and in the first 10 minutes became the harbinger of the apocalypse accusing a random man of murdering someone maybe 7 times in a row before trying to arrest him because I owe him money. I feel like not of a lot of appreciation is put into just how funny the game is a lot of the time, but there are a lot of factors that make the game a masterpiece. The game really lets you play it in literally any way you want to, and the dialogue is wide reaching enough to support it. The music is incredibly thematic and pleasant to listen to, and the characters are some of the most well written in video game history (Kim Kitsuragi my beloved). The reason why half a star has been taken off is that failing a check can sometimes result in a complete soft lock where the only option is to save scum, and while I understand that this is supposed to be a game where that is possible, it does not mean that is a good part of the game- an option to be able to progress without reloading a save should always be there. other than that, this is the most charming, heartfelt, funniest and bittersweet game that you will ever play.

numbers go up and give dopamine

Yeah, I definitely can see the appeal here, but it's just not for me.

I got Kimberly to platinum using underhanded ninja tactics (extremely reckless neutral skips and spamming standing medium kick for hit confirm combos) which felt lore accurate. Now I'm learning Ken to polish my fundamentals and actually play neutral. This is my first fighting game (discounting my couple hours of Strive which I couldn't grasp at all before playing SF6) and it's definitely the most beginner friendly of the genre, even without using modern controls. Highly recommend trying out the World Tour to get a low-stakes introduction to the concepts and controls (you can also unlock the characters' second outfits for free here).

The best game i hope i never play again. One of my favorite games from my childhood, i would go through it again and again, probably at least a dozen times throughout the years. However, now grown up with large adult meat hands, twiddling a stick around a 3 inch screen sounds miserable. Regardless, the game itself is such a unqiue and fun look at the pokemon universe, temporarily recruiting pokemon to help solve puzzles and catch other pokemon. Evil teams arent exactly a new idea in pokemon, but the Go Rock Squad stands among some of the most amusing, and many of their lines stick in my head to this day.

Fun, chill game.
The bit animations were amazing and the music was very chill. Got a bit tedious towards the end though, not because of the story but because of the gameplay loop.

I apreciate the additions that they kept introducing.


Takes everything from the base game and improves upon it. The story has a great hook and is consistently engaging. Love the new characters they introduced in this game. One huge improvement is the 9 new gigs with this dlc. Each one has its own set of characters and actually puts you in situations where you have to thoroughly think about the decisions you are making. They end up being considerably more memorable than any of the gigs in the base game and were a highlight of this dlc. It would be incredible if the cyberpunk sequel kept the same quality of writing present in these and still had as many as were in the base game. The side missions were mostly great as well. I only played through one of the endings but I really enjoyed how it played out narratively and in gameplay. It seems like the final act of this story can go in two completely different directions so it would be interesting to return to this and see the other set of final missions. This dlc offers a new ending to the base game as well and I personally found it to be my favorite ending available. Overall I feel like this is truly what CD Projekt Red wanted Cyberpunk to feel like and I hope Project Orion is able to take this and apply it to a full game.

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

Seriously one of my favorites if not my favorite game ever made, it just goes. it really goes. the combat is literally perfect and so is the movement and so is the world design!!!!!!!!