116 Reviews liked by Riesbyhfe

the vehicle customization is nice, and you can play as the chao which is cute but it's really just a mediocre version of sonic and all-stars racing transformed :(

Pretty barebones honestly. How the hell do you release a racing game without functioning online, especially when it’s free and plenty of people are playing it.

Un título de carreras muy meh y que pasa muy desapercibido.

A pretty good concept with team racing is not enough, as more content is missing and the gameplay should've been more polished.

Pinche juego más culero de carreras en karts no existe cabrón ._. No vuelvo a jugarlo en mi perra vida

beating this on the genesis made me feel like maybe i’m not actually completely washed but fuck labyrinth zone

dark souls would shamelessly rip this game off just 3 years later


Elden Ring, is the nice boy in class, he has all the good grades, he's not particularly ugly, he's cultivated, he'll likely gonna get into a good university once he's gonna graduate, he seems to have no flaws, except one, he's painfully boring in its flawlessness

Demon's Souls on the other hand, he's the bad boy , he's dark, sinister, a bit cringe , he has black hair, he makes barely passable poetry , he smokes marijuana and is involved with several case of high school crime, he always brings a guitar and listen to 21 pilot on his airpods, not the kinda guy you should get interrested in, he looks silly , he looks like a fucking looser, he thinks he's goat, but he's not goat, he's just a piece of shit edgy kids and oh my god I hate this guy, but one day you go to a party

Who did you end up in bed with ? That's right , not fucking ER, he's too good for this, It's DeS, you woke up next morning, and he fucked you and you look past the bed border and your mom is lying on the floor , fucked like she never has been before. Then he wokes up with pancackes, kiss you goodbye and leaves you with a teen pregnancy he's never gonna act upon. But the memory of such an experience will last with you for the rest of your goddamn life

i heard that this was supposed to be a parody of certain horror rpg games... well this was better than 90% of those lol.

Two boring game phases where you're either collecting money, or investing it utilizing basic platforming for both. The first, and probably last game to make literal bureaucratic red tape an enemy and for that it gets my regards.

Unnerving atmosphere. I was surprised that the minimalist storytelling is so strong even in the first entry given what is known of the rocky development history. It stands as more proof that limitation breeds creativity. Wish I got to play before the servers shut down.

What a fucking game. I went through so many emotions with this game, and even through all the frustration and confusion it was such a good experience. It has to be said that the checkpoint system in this game is brutal and sucks ass (namely the very last one), everything else is patience and memory. For the love of god, be patient. Pushing through an area after taking your time feels so good. If you like the Souls games, you gotta play this, at least try it, and if you get stuck, just go to another area you might blast through it and it'll help you get souls/items in the meantime.

I remember thinking this game was surprisingly short compared to Dark Souls 1. Even with the remake though, if you don't have access to a PS5, this is probably still a fun revisit.