Just perfect in every way. Was it frustrating, yes. And I'm sure players who handicap themselves to only use or that will have a much more horrible time with this, but me personally. I thought it was amazing. Especially how much stuff they where able to put in the map, just whole areas you could completely avoid without doing everything.

This is a great game, with easy to learn mechanics but hard to master leading to a very high skill ceiling and in my opinion, one of the best Esports. But MY GOD, you wouldn't expect a game about RC cars having a kick about to have such a toxic community

A racing game only worth playing if you want the most rubber banding from your ai opponents

A rat infested game has never looked so pretty

A lot of people are not going to enjoy the humour or character interactions here. And that is okay, but it shouldn't put you off the fantastic gameplay this has. Very addictive.

Thank you Borderlands 2 for teaching me to grind loot. I definitely have thousands of hours in this, chasing the drops. Great diversity in builds, and a very good villian. Worth playing once, even if you don't want to chase loot (that's the best part tho)

I have never been so bored playing a Zombie game. Literally did not care for a single character and throw that in with TAIL MISSIONS. I was out pretty quickly.


It just felt like a poor attempt at recreating Crash, Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Ratchet and Clank.

I've came back to this a few times, and I always come out hating it. Boring. Limited how much to play, and a gambling system for characters. Nuh uh, not for me.

I revisited Bloodborne to get the Platinum. When I first experienced this game, I struggled a lot and didn't finish cause lost save but with the experience of DS3 and Demon Souls, much better time. Very good Bosses, Trick Weapons and undeniably fantastic aesthetic. Just very inspired, must play imo. Hopefully we get that 60fps upgrade remake, pc port

I spent a lot of time in the Multiplayer and I had fun, that's all. The campaign? Not worth playing, but I always keep this cod installed for Zombies. The weakest maps imo are Zetsubou and even then, it's pretty good. Zombie chronicles too, 5 stars.

My one complaint is that this game needs to implement features the modd community made for PC. Gear indicators for start, to get better times. Very hard for a racing game with community built content to be bad, and this is why I recommend this. Cup of the day/track of the day is brilliant.

This game puts you in a trance of playing the game the right way. Move, swap, shoot. An enemy type to actually challenge the Doom Slayer. Peak