As far as the tracks themselves from this Expansion Kit go, there's a good amount that's surpricingly flat, but still VERY fun to race on. Definetly a great addition to an already amazing Game. Worth it for Big Blue 3 and Fire Field 2 ALONE.

Oh, and also shoutouts to the new soundtracks included for the tracks! That's an amazing touch, going off from the new tracks from BS F-Zero Deluxe using the same music as the base game (though to be fair that could also be due to the music from those being lost), going to new original music for these tracks was a very pleasent surprice!

Oh and as for the track editor and color editor, I didn't dable into them, but they are a neat inclution just for the value they bring in and for the soundtrack for their sections alone also. Solid upgrade to the soundtrack and to the original game all around


This game was such a HUGE upgrade from the original that it is unbeliabelve, the sense of speed, the feeling of flying in the air, the amount of RACERS pilled up next to each other, the music oh GOD THE MUSIC, This game was just amazing all around.

The only minor nitpick, is that as amazing as the music is, some of it 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 blend in for me due to the same rock vibes. But that shouldn't take away how AMAZING this music and this game is.

Talk about being BLOWN away by everything.

Well, glad I got to knock this one's exclusive tracks pretty quick!

In terms of what this adds it's basically the definitive way to play OG SNES F-Zero. I just wanted to still try the OG anyway, and leave this one mainly for the exclusive BS Tracks. And yeah, they're also pretty great!

They do implement some neat ideas like some not having the power section at all, complementing their short size, or Mute City 4 having these HUGE shortcuts which definetly surpriced me, on top of many neat things.

In terms of QOL stuff, all of the tracks are now available on practice mode, which is a good improvement and the OG vehicles can be used on the BS tracks and I pretty much asume vice versa.

Not much else to say other than the BS stuff is also pretty great to experience, and I'm glad it was all compiled and released in this methot preserving it forever!

Well DAMN, This was pretty impressive all around to be honest. I was pleacently surpriced by how good of a time I had with F-Zero. Especially after reading the manual and getting a better understanding of the world and understanding what it was 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 to showcase in it's visuals in terms of the world building.

And as for the gameplay, it's pretty good! I definetly recommend looking through the manual before booting it up for the first time to get a good grip on the controls and some hazzards because without it, some stuff like the magnetic side things would have been impossible for me to figure out without the manual.

As for the music though? MAN it's amazing! It definetly has a jazzy vibe that is really nice. Some of the tracks that were a highlight for me were Silence and Red Canyon (of course without mentioning the obvious 2 ones from the very start, but discovering the other tracks and themes (especially with their lore context) was pretty nice).

So yeah overall, to my surprice, I'm giving it an 8! For a launch title, it not only uses the hardware 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 well, but as a game in it's own right it's VERY satisfying to understand not only the controls, but the courses as well (special shoutouts to Red Canyon II with that COOL AS SHIT double jump short cut, pulling that off was amazing).

So yeah overall, pretty great surprice! And I hope I continue to get surpriced as I go deeper into this series.

This review contains spoilers

This game deserves more attention and love than I've seen it get. Which is BASICALLY 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 besides like, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 video I've happened to stumble across Youtube on it (and even then I didn't watch much of the video itself I just went to the Steam link in the description and erased the video from my History on Youtube so I wouldn't say what video it even was)

But what I can say is that thanks to that video, I've happened to stumble across one of the most unique, most engaging, and most 𝐈𝐓 games I think I've ever played in my life. Many elements from the gameplay, while not the most polished at times at hand with the animation, do feel very well executed, and lead to some INTENSE moments and boss battles, but also just pure vibes.

At times I wasn't even playing much of the game. Just hanging Lumi around with an extra window so she could watch a Youtube video. And it brought me so many new experiences. Like out of nowhere showing me that Oh yeah! MS Paint IS still on my computer, from attempting Java and actually learning a bit of a small fundamental (even if by the final level of the idle game it kind of broke, it was still a nice experience to actually feel in CONTROL with coding for once, as well as the mere PRESENCE of coding at all in this game)

But hands down the story was one that kept me super engaged throughout the whole thing. And It left me super emotional with the direction it went throughout the end with Lumi's world and her dreams.

Overall, I cannot recommend Outcore enough. It does have a fair share of Trigger Warnings I feel are worth noting so it's not like I can recommend it on a whim to everyone. But regardless, it still was an incredible experience that I'll keep in my memories for a very good while. COMPLETELY shattering what I thought was possible with this medium in terms of 4th wall breaks and engaging storytelling throughout them.

I really loved my time with Ikachan. It was such a good game to chip away at for months even with me needing a walkthrough by the end, it never got annoying or anything. It had a solid idea and executed with LOADS of charm and heart.

A big highlight for me though, besides the controls and how the world feels, which feels VERY alive, is the soundtrack. Only 6 songs, yet they all were super captivating and especially the ending theme hit very close to my heart.


And that goes for the entire ending as well. Super well done sequence with a great sequence with a great meaning. Even giving the fish that were abusing the people another chance in that ship, in that giving a chance to 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘺 everyone, while say what you will on it not being super accurate all the time, does send a message that everyone can change if given the chance to and if said chance is taken. And to have said message portrayed so simple yet so effectively, was really moving.


Overall, this was a great time. Especially after checking out a load of Pixel's work prior to Cave Story, but this in particular was a big one to check out. And I'm very glad I did. Because in it was a great time that was very touching.

You know, for a game picked up randomly from a show I've never seen or heard off, this was a surpricintly good time to be honest.

Like, it's not something mindblowing, but it's a fun little platformer with quite a bit of charm that even with me not seeing the series, I can apreciate the effort put in on the music, vibes of the areas, how it had a story throughout that while minimal, felt natural in progession even in areas, the art style of the face pannels and the pixels of Heidi, where I thought it would be ending but more came along, and all in all just signs that they did care about making this a good experience despite the likely limitations they had at making a licensed game.

The controls themselves were also pretry solid. The running animation reminds me a bit of Sonic so that's pretty cool, and the flow of progressiom of getting the flowers and controlling the animals around you with your whistle is simple, but satisfying. It pairs nicely with the level design being a bit open in general so there's obiously some layered secrets and they all feel satisfying to get. But also in general keeping the speed of running going and not letting it stop is 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 very satisfying as it creates a nice chain of movement that is fun to keep going, and probably my favorite part about the controls. And they feel overall pretty satisfying with how easy for kids yet solid all around for everyone they feel.

Now, double tapping to go to run can be a bit annoying at times and the walking speed I feel was a 𝘣𝘪𝘵 too slow, but overall the controls were pretty solid and the annoyances were never deal breakers for me.

The music was also quite pleasing. The tracks all feel very "small but fun adventure" esche which fits the adventure of Heidi, and on top of that they fit the environments pretty well. Despite the low amount of music which 𝘥𝘪𝘥 cause some of them to repeat a bit which admitedly got a bit tyring, but regardless, they all stand out pretty well from one another which definetly made the music a solid highlight for me.

And as for the environments themselves, this is probably this game's biggest weakness in that paired with the music, there's a very limited selection of themes for the levels themselves which causes some levels to blend in with each other. But overall the level design I'd say makes up for it and by the latter part of the game it introduces some very neat themes like a city which feels pretty distinct from the rest of the mountain esche environments, plus one that was only for one level at night time which was surpricingly eerie. Not like a LOT but compared to the rest of the game, it definetly stands out in a pretty neat way.

Not to mention the bonus stages which have a very angelical vibe to them due to them being in the sky. Running around in them was also pretty fun.

But yeah overall this is a pretty neat game that while at first a bit repetitive, definetly got better as it went along with some surprices into the mix. And I'm glad I gave it a random shot. As it kept me occupied this week where, not a lot really did. And I have to thank this game for that.

Forgot to check it out amongst all the boom and alternate versions it got last year but after checking the original out, yeah it's pretty solid!

I will say that on the browser version on mobile there is a 𝘣𝘪𝘵 of lag, but nothing too effective. And after a while it kind of goes away.

But yeah, I do quite like this one! It's a solid implementation of a 2048 style formula within and terrain affecting everything and I do quite like it's execution. And the cute fruit aestheatic is pretty cool as well.

But really though, I feel that what really elevates it a bit, is playing it on mobile for some reason. Idk why, but when trying the Web Browser version on PC it still felt pretty solid but something felt kind of 𝘰𝘧𝘧. Whereas on Mobile, it ALL started clicking in for me and the game started feeling MUCH more satisfying because of that. It shows that this game was pretty much MADE for mobile/touchscreen inputs. Which definitely explains why the Switch is the console it jumped into.

So yeah, this is pretty neat. A solid puzzle game that I'm glad I gave a shot and I'm likely to keep playing and, hell maybe I'll check out some of it's alternate versions someday! At first I was overwhelmed, but on second thought it might be a bit like Tetris where nearly every version of Tetris has 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 unique about it that makes it stand out from other versions. So yeah, we'll see how that goes. Maybe I will, maybe not, we'll see.

But as far as the 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 Suika Game goes, yeah! I recommend giving a play if you haven't already if by chance you were overwhelmed with it's sudden boom last year like I was. Chances are, you'll have a good time with it.

Just using this as a spot to log Tamagotchi Monster for Java as it's not on Backloggd for some reason. But yeah. Going by my experience on it as it being a depiction of what the general gest of how the classic Tamagotchi experience is like, yeah it's pretty good! Not my usual cup of tea but I liked the experience.

I especially really liked the accuracy Tamagotchi Monster was going for in particular. It felt pretty spot on and in the context of a Java Phone game it felt pretty natural to play on my 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 phone on a Java emulator and get the feel of what it's meant to supply here. Once you're bored at a train station or done responding an email or done playing one game, maybe check on the monster for a few minutes and see how they're doing. And in that angle, it does it very well. Both in terms of the core classic Tamagotchi experience doing that well, and the Java game doing it well as well.

Now, 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 of that, I wasn't able to get more into it as I was hoping I would. But that's not nesesarely the fault of it and, like I said. It's more so Classic Tamagotchi being not quite my cup of tea. But I still liked my time with it don't get me wrong, and I wouldn't mind playing through it again. Whether that be on this spesific Java game, any of the other Tamagotchi games or maybe even a real life Tamagotchi. Just, with the hopes of 𝘯𝘰𝘵 getting a game over after forgetting to check it for a few days lol

And some aditional stuff about Tamagotchi Monster spesifically, but I do really like the monster vibe it had. While I wanted something a bit more vanilla for my first Classic Tamagotchi experience, I nontheless apreciated the uniqueness this theme brought in. And the control layout was pretty well acomodated for a phone pad layout as well.

So...yeah, not much more than that except, while not my cup of tea, I nontheless liked this Tamagotchi experience and I wouldn't hesitate at the thought of trying it again someday.

...oddly relaxing for some reason idk why.

Idk why it isn't spesific, but this log is spesifically for the Java version of the game. Of which I cannot say if it's 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 so for me to give it a diferent score than the one I gave the original version (a 6/10) but I do kind of enjoy playing this version more than the original.

Like, in it's original form it suffers from just being MEH as hell compared to the original Sonic Runners, which is honestly GREAT. But here? Idk like, in the form factor of a Java game, a 2017 JAVA GAME no less, it's much more interesting to think about and see how much they squeeshed into it.

I've only played like, the first level so this isn't even meant to have like a score or be a review thus far because I can't, but just to put it out there that, out of both versions, I definetly prefer the Java version just because of the novelty that it has on being a Java game in the year of our lord 2017.

This log is for the update they released for SAGE 2023 (and the bugfix version as opposed to the launch version to be specific) because after experiencing it WOW I HAVE to talk about it.

This update was just AMAZING. Prior of playing it a friend said that this was 𝘴𝘰 much different than the prior versions and my god, they weren't kidding at ALL like JESUS CHRIST A FULLY 3D WORLD, like, don't get me wrong, I liked the 2D world it went with, it was fun and was done pretty well (albeit if I did feel the Keyboard skating felt a bit limited for it) but THIS? This is like, So MUCH was completely REMADE entirely. Rooms, interiors, doors, added easter eggs, etc. It makes the world feel SO MUCH more ALIVE than before, and even adds a feel of progression by having a bit more of limited visibility on things like the feds at the beginning. It adds SO MUCH heart and soul to this world it's just nuts. In a way the visuals of the world kind of remind me of the visuals of UNBEATABLE [white label] which is FAR from a bad thing as it looks GREAT. Not to mention the newly added lightning and use of 3D models is just, 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘧𝘧'𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴.

And as for the songs like JESUS CHRIST they did NOT need to go to this extreme but they DID, basically doing a LOT of changes to these songs (with the first one being basically a completely NEW one) was just amazing. I do kind of miss the originals a bit since I'm a bit used to them in my mind more, but these ones are still amazing and gave me just as, if not MORE of a great time listening them for the first time, as the original versions did for the first time as well. Like they even added completely NEW segments to the 1st one and redid art to make it more fitting within the graffiti they were making! Like this is just one of many signs of LJ LephemStar going ABOVE and beyond to deliver an AMAZING update.

Oh, and the brand NEW songs? Oh, they're just unbelievable. Like, the added animation, the beats to them, the Tennis and Puzzle game set up, and the fact that they're TWO SEGA references back to back of SEGA Superstars Tennis 𝐀𝐍𝐃 Puyo Puyo? Like this is just amazing and amazing touches for this being unveiled at SAGE 2023 and released as the demo of that event. Just absolutely wonderful.

A cool idea I have in terms of the original songs, once the full game releases, I think it would be really cool if the original versions of these songs were available as unlockables after beating the game or S ranking their respective 𝘯𝘦𝘸 versions for the first time. Like, THAT would be amazing.

I do have a few nit picks, like I kind of miss the og loading screen with Melodii jumping over the record player's stylus, like that was pretty cute, but the new one is still pretty clean and nice to look at so not much of a complaint, I feel like it's missing a walking animation in before the jogging and piano board animation, but I also understand why it's not in since I'd take a long while to get it set up accounting for joystick sensitivity and whatnot. And also, one weird thing, is that they removed the crowd complaining about the poor service in the McWave stage when you get a game over. Like that was one of my favorite parts of that stage and it's weird that it got removed. Fingers crossed that it's not permanent and just to make room for other stuff to then add back later. Oh and also it not starting immediately in full screen but that's VERY minor tbf, and also some control issues I had and they were 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘺 on my end so that's my own damn fault, but I feel that they should allow for face buttons to have more than one command as mapping the confirm and go back actions to the triggers, while worked perfectly fine and I got used to it fairly quickly, kind of made me wish I could have used the buttons instead after a bit.

And also, this isn't something I experienced, but my friend also told me that the launch version of this demo was 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 buggy on launch. As I said I played the bugfix version and as far as that went I didn't experience any bugs so in that regard, yeah the bugfix version pretty much cleaned everything up and is the way to go, but I do hope that for future releases they can make sure that there aren't as many bugs on future releases as possible so that people who play them first and foremost (like my friend as they 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 like this game) can have a solid experience without any bugs in the way. I understand no bugs is practically impossible as these demos 𝘢𝘳𝘦 a work in progress after all, I just wish that hopefully for the future there's a bit more balancing in that regard.

But yeah other than that, I had a BLAST with this demo. Like it's clear how much effort, work and PASSION went into this update. Like, even the MENUS got a massive overhaul and they look great as well, super quick to navigate and have a vibe that REALLY complements the Title Screen and Menu theme. Like this is just a delight.

This new update turned an experience that I 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 thought was quite great even with how little was there at that time and couldn't 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 to see more, into honestly, one of the most 𝗙𝗨𝗡 experiences, I've HAD this year. And for that alone, I HAVE to give it an extra something at least. There's just something about it, how the art looks, how the sound effects when improvising sound, that make me feel lost in a good way when playing it. I EAGERLY await what comes next for this project and my best wishes and luck to LJ LephemStar and the rest of the team!

So, just putting this here to explain why I deleted my original review. Not specific to the game itself, but rather it's creator Ninja_Muffin, which got outed for being a damn lolicon 𝘱𝘭𝘶𝘴 some other shit like making "jokes" about Palestine so...yeah. Safe to say, I'm not touching this game ever again.

Played it for the first time at a friends house and WOW.

This is an AMAZING party game. The way the controls are dead simple but still have a LOT of strategy to them, plus the stages themselves and how drastically diferent they are make for a really good combination.

We were in the fire one and my friend barely crawled out of the fire (which took a while mind you) and just as he got out BAMM, a head tackle which sent him RIGHT back into the fire but across the other side of the map. When it all hits well, this game can be a RIOT of an experience LMAO

But yeah. It's great and I'm definetly thinking about getting it for myself. I hope this game has online play or st the very least Steam Remote Play in the Steam Version.

Presentation basically carries it and makes it 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 reach a 6/10, as it's basically a whole time capsule and it's a bit fun to look at it's presentation because of that. And for what it's worth, I am glad I got to play it. As not only I had thought the rom just couldn't work on Cemu but low and behold, it finally did today, but also I can 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 play Meme Runner 2, and judge it in comparison to the original. So that's nice at least.

But yeah, outside of that it's basically eh. Like it's not a 𝘣𝘢𝘥 auto runner, but it's also not something I'd recommend anyone to play.

But also even for it's time at LEAST put in the option to disable the screen shake or adjust it's sensitivity my LORD was it almost an eye sore.