Beat this game with zero intelligence, much like life.

Certifiably one of the games of all time

game looked cool, I lost to the tutorial. How the fuck do people play this.

Install the mod that limits enemy grenades, thank me later.
faction system made me laugh so hard I had to go to the hospital. if you know, you know.

actually gorgeous game, plays itself which is arguably better than the usual jrpg bullshit. more honest in a way, you weren't playing the game anyway.

I fell asleep during the final boss but that's ok because the game won itself

cool game, depressed dev, kinda killed the vibe ngl,

there are allegedly 4 of these games, they're all the fucking same.
fun tho.


yes its overrated, but it is fun, till it gets way too repetitive somewhere around the last third


I say completed, it broke literal inches from the ending so I just watched it on youtube lol.
It's fun. if someone tells you it has a story fucking run from them.

I'm sure you could convince me that this is a bastardization of max payne, but frankly I don't give a shit. it's fun.

so now that we know what suda51 was smoking all this time is my experience of killer7 ruined? not really.

I member when these were shitty flash games on unsavory websites. honestly really fun game.