Flawless. Absolutely flawless. I had high expectations but man even they were blown away. Everything about the game is incredible. The characters, story, graphics, dialogue, gameplay, soundtrack, literally everything. I literally have not been able to stop thinking about it since I finished the game. Like it has been all I've been thinking about.

I'd like to go into more detail about why I absolutely love this game but I don't really know how to say it all well. It's a mf masterpiece and I will never stop thinking about it.


My rankings of the chapters:

8. Chapter 3, idk if this is controversial or not but I just found it to be quite slow and boring overall. Still good, just not very good
7. Chapter 1, it's a kinda fun intro to the game but isn't really much more than that
6. Chapter 2, I know this is lots of people's favorite but I just again found it a little slow and boring. I still had a fun time and it helps set everything up for what's to come but I just don't think it's that great tbh
5. Chapter 5, the island is pretty cool but they don't really use it to its full potential and when you get back it just kinda feels like Chapter 4 but a bit more boring
4. Epilogue Part 1, I kinda liked the little farm life and especially those last couple missions where you're getting the gang back together are really fun
3. Chapter 4, Probably the most enjoyable Chapter from a gameplay standpoint. The missions are very well done and I just found it really great.
2. Epilogue Part 2, Very great ending to the game. The final mission is so satisfying and the housebuilding mission is the best in the entire game
1.Chapter 6, easily the best from a story standpoint, the missions are also very well done and the gameplay is at its best in lots of them

Overall I did really like this game. But I also have a lot of problems with it. It is a VERY long game. It doesn't show me exactly how long I played the game for in hours but i'd guess it took atleast 50 - 60 to complete. This is both a blessing and a curse since on the one hand it makes it definitley worth the money since you can then go and do all the side missions and stranger encounters and get 100s of hours of enjoyment if you really like the game. But on the other hand it's a real commitment to complete. I think it makes sense that so many people just can't complete the game due to how long it is and how it also for me personally took until like halfway through chapter 4 to get interesting.

It is a HUGE game. I think it definitely makes sense that it took 8 years to complete due to just how huge this map is and how lived in it feels. But again that's kind of a double edged sword as the huge map can feel kind of overwhelming at times and before you unlock fast travel there are a lot of moments where you're just running through a pretty looking field with nothing in it. I also think the huge amount of characters meant that I never really connected with most of them until the very end and lots of deaths early on had no impact on me since I didn't even know the character's names until then.

I'm also not the biggest fan of the gameplay. The deadeye ability is very cool and helps set this apart from other third person shooters but other than that it's very standard and bland. The cover mechanics are also awful and were extremely frustrating at times.

The honor system is a brilliant concept but I don't think it fully works. For example, I can donate $1000 to the camp and get a lot of honor which is cool and encourages the player to help out the camp early on. But then I can also accidentally misclick and hop on someone's horse for a second and lose that exact same amount of honor, which can be very frustrating.

But, even with all those problems I still finished this very long game, which I think says a lot about it's quality. At it's best it's an extremely fun, emotional and immersive cowboy game but at it's worst it's a slow paced, bland, and boring shooter. I wanted to just stop tryna complete the game and move onto something else so many times but I'm glad I didn't as in the end I did come out quite liking the game. I'll probably replay it in a few years and hopefully then I can finally see it as the masterpiece that most other people seem to be able to. I'll also play red dead 1 soon so hopefully that makes me like it a bit more in hindsight

This game took me 60 hours to complete. I love it

Shows you what the Ps5 can do while also being a great and stellar platformer

Very fun game with some incredibly smooth and great gameplay. However the weird meta story felt really uninteresting to me. I feel like some games don't need a story and this is one of them, I think I'd have liked it a lot more if it was just the brilliant gameplay.

Decided to go back on my old save and spend months getting 100% completion. Just, what a special game

Easily the best uncharted game. The story, gameplay, and grappling hook make this an incredible game

Thse games all kinda feel the same. You run around and collect items but don't look at slendrina or you die. Still, they're pretty fun to play while watching YouTube or something. Completed on easy, normal, and hard

I've probably played like 1000+ hours of this over the course of my life but haven't touched it in like 2 and a half years. I have lots of fond memories of the game and I think that Chapter 1 Season 7 and Chapter 2 Season 2 were just so much fun.

Obviously can't give it a score or anything but just thought I should log it

As a huge Marvel fan this is one of my favorite games of all time

Really great just too short to give 5 stars

Im not the biggest star wars guy but still really enjoyed this

What can I say. Currently my favorite game of all time

I get why everyone loves this so much but eh it was really frustrating for me. There was so much unfair kills it was insane. The pixel art and soundtrack are incredible tho. Just play celeste if u want a game like this