Bizarre re-telling of Hamlet with 4th-wall breaking/Barbie Movie typa humour. It´s just reading but It has some cute illustrations of the different endings and paths you can get the characters into, tho. Made me laugh.

Very short and cute but challenging rhythm game with a little story.

Holy shit !! This really must be the worst game I´ve played in a long time !! It fucking sucks !!!!!


So sad it´s a Japan exclusive. I tried to play using Google Lens but those weren´t the best spent 40 mintues of my life. I just wanted to date Yasu fml

Got every power moon. Played 80+ hrs. It´s just too good.

It gets a bit repetitive but I just love these kind of silly little games, and also miis !!! Hopefully Nintendo will make a Switch version of this and I will gladly buy it.

I haven´t even get to the third level and reviewing it at this point may be a bit childish, but I think I as a LBP fan deserve to express my thoughts on it, after many years of waiting a new game. It´s just the disappointment I had after hearing Sackboy making fucking sounds out of his mouth what started my hate for this game. Overall it just wasn´t being very fun for me, I felt no challenge and sadly it doesn´t feel like the OG games. Too bad.

Played it on a website sometime and thought it was a demo. Now I bought it on Steam and it feels as empty. Maybe I dont really get the point of this game. Its just too short for me, and there are few characters to choose. But its nice and I think it´s me not understanding rather than it being a shitty game.

Very nice free game to play with a friend, you should totally give it a shot. Theatre part made us shit bricks tho