To me, this game takes everything great about Horizon Zero Dawn and takes it to the next level and improves pretty much everything. The climbing is better, the dialogue and character animations in cutscenes are much better in this game than the first, and the combat has significantly improved for the better. Finished the game, and my opinion still stands. This game was a fantastic sequel to a already fantastic game, it improved just about everything and while I do have some minor issues with the game they are not enough to stop me from enjoying this game to the fullest. Absolutely worth all the time and effort to finish.

This was and still is one of my favorite games I played during my elementary through high school years. Loved it to death and played it a lot when I was younger. I stopped playing it for several years, but that was only because I thought this game had died out just like the original Club Penguin had years ago. But now that I know this game is still a thing and that my old account still works, I think I may replay this game. I hope though that they bring back the old islands from over 10 years ago though. Besides that one thing, the game is still great.

This was my first Tomb Raider that I ever played, and I did find it to be a lot of fun. The gameplay is great, my only issue with this game is when you get to the giant open world areas and you are basically between main object, the game doesn’t make it seem urgent to return to the main quest. Besides that, I still love this game overall. I also really prefer the crafting system in this game compared to Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s one but that is because the one in shadow was much more basic and simple, I still like that game’s crafting system but it just feels too easy at times in Shadow to fully upgrade everything very quickly. While in Rise of the Tomb Raider, the crafting system is much more complex and it is harder to fully upgrade everything. Still like them both though

This is honestly one of the funniest games I have ever played and watch other people play. It is hilariously dumb but it is good in my opinion. Recommend playing on anything but the mobile version, the mobile version is nice but it is not as fun as the pc to me.

This is one of the first mobile games I ever played and I love it! This game is so much fun, and I honestly also love to play this on the PC as well. This game to me is perfect the way it is and I don’t want it to ever change.

This is a great dlc story for an already awesome game. I like how the difficulty in this story gets harder as you play each chapter. However, and this is just me personally, but I don’t like the flying enemies with the shields they are so annoying to me. But that is just my opinion about one enemy type, besides that I love this!

This is one of the coolest things I have ever played, the level of detail in this is beyond words and the opening cinematic is mind blowing. The new Unreal 5 engine is absolutely awesome and I personally would love to see this became a full on game, it is that great to me.

This game series was my favorite game to play on the computer growing up, and even though I am 21 years old now I still find a little enjoyment in replaying these games. The story of this game is great, the dialogue is also great, and it is very relatable especially for kids.

To me personally, this is my personal favorite of the Bioshock series at the moment. Same fun and awesome gameplay as the first game with some improvements in my opinion. Also I love the melee weapon of this game so much more than the stupid wrench of the first game, the drill is so much better and more useful. While this game’s story is not as great as the first one, I do agree with that slightly, it still has a great villain in my opinion. Overall, I love this one’s gameplay most but the first game’s story is overall the better one. Regardless of that fact though this game is still very good

This game is beautiful and it is so much fun to play and experience to me. The story to me is great, a bit dark, but is to me genius. The gameplay is very fun and the different endings of this game are very cool and amazing. I honestly wished I had tried this game much sooner than I did, but regardless of that I am glad I played it. This is to me one of the best games I have ever played.

I loved playing this version of Minecraft for the longest times and I still love to play it as much as I love to play Java edition. I honestly have had no problems with the controls of this version and highly prefer them to the console versions.

This game was and still is one of my all time favorite games. It’s gameplay is good (for the time), the story is great, and the animation quality of this game is way ahead of its time. If you like games like Zelda I recommend you try this game, but when you do have an open mind about it and also please don’t compare this to Zelda. I personally feel that this game is different enough from Zelda that it can be considered a different game all together

This game is absolutely beautiful and awesome. This is by far the best Wii game I have ever played and I love it to death.

Gameplay is pretty bad and it is so hard to control, but the game has a great story and soundtrack though.

This game is so much fun to play, the graphics are great and the combat system is awesome. I also love how this game flips on its head for one level of the game where it is sort of like a survival horror like experience where all you can do is run. The story is good. And the game has the best intro movie right after selecting the language of the game you wish to select.