Spider-Man Ranking List

I love Spider-Man, one of my all time favorite superhero and given his immense popularity an assload of games have been made about him, so here's my ranking.
Only rule. I only played the games from 2000 to 2018 since most games made about him in the 80s and 90s are all bad and I don't feel like playing them.

Of course is going to be number one why wouldn't it
It doesn't reach the highs of the first PS4 game but good lord the combat is sooo much better.
Pretty fun game but overall very boring and a product of its time
You can play as Venom and eat kids, need I say more.
I love the concept but the execution was very off
Swinging is fun, and the combat was fun at first, but after a while, the whole game becomes tedious around the 5-hour mark, and when your game is 10 to 15 hours that's not fun
Feels like a cheap license game, the only good thing was Bruce Campbell being mean to me.
I couldn't even finish it, it's that bad
This game sucks my Spider-Balls
generic low-budget shovelware, this is from a studio who had made 2 other Spider-Man games before this so I don't know why this turned out the way it did
It's the same game as the first just not as good
Boring and bland repetitive beat-em-up that was only made better when I muted the music and starting play heavy metal music in the background


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