The Magnum Dong Licensed Game List

Licensed games are like assholes; everyone's got them, but what matters is what asshole is better than the other asshole. Did that analogy make any sense, No? Too bad that's the best I can come up with.

(This list will never truly be finished since I can't play every licensed game ever made so I'm gonna be updating this game periodically as I play more or log more that I forgot to log in.)

It's about on par with episode 4 on NES, IE not great but has some really nice looking visuals for NES and especially for an NES licensed games.
I mean it's fine I guess, when it comes to Atari games where it's so simple I can't really say much about it other then. Eh it's just whatever
Pretty fun if it's a little repetitive god of war clone.
Inferior in pretty much every way, while it's still fun; I wouldn't say it's awful, but unlike the first game it gets old really fast and it's only 5 hours long so idk what the hell happened
This is very much one of those types of games where you really need to stick with it. The most infamous part of these games is how brutally hard they all are, and honestly; if you gave up on the first level I wouldn't blame you. The funny thing is the game gets a lot better after the awful first level on Tatooine, the platforming gets slightly more forgiving, the enemies stop spamming you, you get access to more characters that can make the game more manageable, and the levels that utilize superFX chip are "alright"; it really does it better after the first level. Also oh my god this game looks really fucking good, I sometimes forget how great SNES can look sometimes.
This is hands down the best of the Super Star Wars games. Its level design is the perfect blend of challenging and rewarding, its gameplay is finely tuned to a T, its superFX chip missions are the best (with the exception of the Endor speeder bikes mission that one just sucks), and oh my god; this is honestly one of the best looking SNES games I've ever seen, the fight with the Rancor looks amazing not even just for SNES standers.
Is the game still ball bustly hard- yeah a little
Does the first level still the worst level of the game- once again yeah it is.
Regardless If you were to ask me which one to get into I'd say start with this one.
t takes pretty much everything from SSW1 and makes it a lot better. The overall difficulty is a lot more forgiving and hits that right kind of frustrating that can make old-school games fun, hell they even made the mission with the superFX chip more playable, and that is an achievement even OG Star Fox can't say.
But once again the first level is the worse of the game and you'll have to slog through it until you get to the good bits.
This has some of the most horrid level design I think I've ever seen in a video game.
It's pretty much just like TMNTTIT but missing all of the parts TIT that I really liked.
GB games come in 3 categories, ok, shit, god awful. This one just falls under ok which is amazing for most GB games.
It's not as good as the first GB TMNT game but idk what I expected from GB.
From what I've played it's the best of the 3 TMNT GB games but honestly that's not saying a lot considering this is still GB.
It's the best of the NES TMNT games but my main problem is that it's still a beaten-up game on NES, most NES games have not aged very well and this one has also aged quite a bit.
It's pretty much what you'd expect from an NES version of an arcade game.
(The SNES Version)
Nothing will ever top this game's OST, it has no reason to go so fucking hard but it does and it's amazing for it.
Slow and boring, just the way I hate em.
Platinum what the fuck I thought you were better than this.
Take every single element of the older TMNT beat-em-up games and turns everything up to 11.
The visuals and sprite work is outstanding, it does such a good job replicating the look of the 80's show right down to the background looking like they were done with watercolor.
The OST is also amazing, knowing that Tee Lopes did the work on this makes a lot of sense since he's really good when it comes to capturing the tone and sound on specific projects he works on. (side note: never before did I think I'd hear Wu-Tang Clan in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game but here we are).

This is the perfect TMNT game through and through.
I really don't like the Sega Genesis so to me this is an inferior version almost every way to TMNTTIT.
It's the best of the 3 TMNT fighting games but I've never really been that big of a fan of these games so It didn't really click with me.
It's a fighting game on NES I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't shit.
I've always preferred this game over the original arcade game mostly for nostalgic reasons. Pretty much everything from the sprites to movement is better along with the music just HHHEEEMMMMMM it slaps. I still prefer the SNES version more since I feel the pacing in that game is much better and higher boss count makes the fanservies part of my brain happy; but realistically you can’t go wrong with either version of the game.
Took all the charm away for the original and now we're left with a really mediocre beat him up.
A pretty alright shooter with a super well-realized annotation of the iconography that the Terminator movies have.
It takes the best parts of what Resistance did and adds a lot more fast-paced action scenes, along with much better voiced characters. it's somewhat short; only lasting around 4 to 5 hours, but it's the best 4 to 5 hours this game has to offer.
the scream sound effect is honest to god one of the worst things I've ever had the displeasure to hear through my ear holes.
I'm 100% sure whenever the press asked the development team about the game's "quality" their stock answer would be "Well the Three Stooges themselves made the game".
Knowing that Activision published the game they might be right.
I played this game a lot as a kid, on a replay it didn't really recapture the nostalgia I had but it was still pretty ok.
This game quite honestly has no reason to be as good as it is. The chel shading art style is on point, everything about its combat is super solid. Really the only thing I can criticize is mostly just getting a bit to repetitive after awhile since unlike other Platinum Games combat loop, but it’s not like it really matters since the game is like 3 hours long, there's really little reason to replay the game as well other than to get a better score on the levels. I guess if you’re a dieheart Gen 1 Transformers fan you’d get a kick out of it but good luck trying to find it, it’s been delisted for all online storefront and finding a cheap steam key is even harder. Honestly I don’t even know why I own this game since I’m not even that big of a Transformers fan (I’m more of a Ninja Turtles kind of person) I just sorta had this in a PS4 library as if it magically apprised there out of thin air.
Oh well I’m not gonna complain, I may not have PT but at least I have this.
It took everything I had a problem with with War of Cybertron and just made them better and smoother.
It’s shovelware in its least interesting form.
This game captured the movie in the best way possible, destroying stuff looks fun……………that’s it.
I find War for Cybertron really frustrating. On the one hand I think its visuals look really nice and stay pretty faithful to the G1 look while also still giving it their own unique spin on the characters on the other hand the typical 7th gen gray filter makes it hard to shoot enemies when they also blend into the background making the game more frustrating than challenging.
On one hand I think the run and gun play is fun and really refreshing when it came to other 7th gen cover based shooters that were never good like Uncharted 1 or GoW, on the other hand it still plays like a stiff 7th gen shooter and unlike other games it resembles like Vanquish it’s slow and sluggish with enemies that are just bullet spongy enough to feel annoying. Along with that the arena level layouts all just suck. They feel very much gated into one way of progression and with how easily you can die if you’re not always on your feet the gameplay gets boring really REALLY fast.
On one hand I think the story is really neat, being able to see the origins of character relationships and events unfolding that I’m assuming the G1 show had in it’s lore (I’ve never seen any piece of Transformers media I just think the robots look cool), on the other hand the game’s pacing is really shit and having the Decepticon campaign start off the game really didn’t help since the beginning of the game is really weak; it only started it get better with the Autobot campaign but by that point the game is almost over and idk if it’s just a me thing but I just wasn't grip by the story personally.
If you can’t tell, I'm not a Transformers fan and I don’t really have any attachment to these
You can play as Venom and eat kids so of course it's better than Spider-Man 2
Somehow the ET mini-game in this is worse than the actual ET game.


UP yours John Lasseter.
Pretty fun lightsaber simulator with a story I really couldn't give a shit about. At least Dark Vader was cool.
Not only did it really derail the story and characters they were working with, but it also shows off the depressing decline of quality Telltale was going through at the time.
Don't really care all that much about this one, I was just really bored by it.
This is what VR was made for, this is the shit that I crave.
A confusing mess of 3 different scrips slap dashed togather with almot no effort to make each episode connect togather in some way.
The best game I've seen in a long time that tried doing the Story centered Choice-based game.
A pretty decent finally to the series and a super depression end to Telltale.
I mean it's still not the worst bastardization I've seen for this series, Doomsday Clock still exist.
Raven Software were truly magicians in their prime.
Where's my money Dominos?


BFBB should be higher and where is Hit and Run

2 years ago

sam and max this high is mega based
Seeing I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream one space before The Simpson's game lmao

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