REALLY love this game, its so unique with its plot and characters and once you get used to the combat its an absolute blast to playthrough
Def a huge fav in the tales series, Velvet Crowe was one of the best to ever do it

My favorite videogame of all time as of right now, theres so much i love about it. I think without this game i would be living a very different life, i make sure to replay it once every year.

First game on the new trails engine and gameplay style and oh my goodness its peak, and the new cast is very likable
Not much else to say then the game is good, and the ending sequence was a crazy experience for the first time


A classic, and still dam good to play to this day. It has limitless mod support and maps so you dont always gotta play the same 4 episodes.
An oldie, but a goodie!

had a blast with this as the final xenoblade send off for awhile
the plot twist and connections in the story caught me super on guard, im very excited for the future of this series
all the new characters and returning ones were wonderful! well worth the price i paid for it

Easily one of the best trails games in the entire series, the insane plot twists and new character arcs on top of the gameplay makes it such a rememberable experience.... the final 3 hours of the game is the craziest ive ever seen a game get dude
ill always love this game

One of the best to ever do it, Lea is one of my favs
Gameplay and the loop of the game is generally really good, with a great cast of characters on top of it with a super good story.
One complaint i do have though..... the puzzles were a little to much for me personally!

This is the Halo game ive played the least but its still a fantastic entry in the series. Its atmosphere and new combat mechanics make it very interesting and fun to play. The story having ODST instead of the characters we know brought a fresh look for it. Solid level design and a funny ass ending, i loved it!

A dear game from my childhood, and im glad to replay this game and see the formula is still fun and addicting
Although compared to its sequel, it is a little worse for wear
Timeless ost, a silly and goofy story too.... not much else i can could ask for!

Most of the stuff i said in the first games review applies here, however i tend not to like this games main episodes as fun as the first game. Maps arent that great and new enemies are a pain..... but hey super shotgun!

Not a big guy of visual novels, but this game really made me love the series
i love both the protags and the new characters, mizuki is my literal spirit animal
although certain plotpoints i disagreed with, and the ending has me slightly mixed
i am excited for a third game!

One of my GOTYs in 2022 and the long awaited trilogy ender for one of my favorite series ever this is probably one of the best action rpgs ive ever played
really enjoyed, this games cast and insane story
gameplay is generally really addicting

Super good game, my first persona game along with the original persona 5
However i have to deduct a chunk of points due to the game being way to long mandatorily and parts of the story being pointless and borderline infuriating
however, the new content royal adds is enjoyable and was a nice edition

A more nostalgic game but this game actually isnt to bad nowadays
if youre a fan of the films or a fan of more linear FPS games, this is super fun with all three paths you can take
favorite was the alien route but all three are mad fun

First YS game and i really enjoyed it, loved the story and the cast was awesome
it had really fun gameplay and exploration that kept me addicted, while getting the true ending is a pain it most certainly worth it