its among us but with voice chat and a scary amount of children who have no right owning a vr headset pretty funny a lot of the time

i never hear people talk about this game but its like genuinely so fucking good

there is robots and they are pretty awesome

i dont get how people play this for extended periods of time its just never really been that fun

i mean its definitely a game that you can play

its not a bad game by any means its just not a good remake

id play this game again blind if i could

if valve releases the heavy update ill kill myself (this means i am never going to die)

this was a genuinely good game and miles fucking better than the heaping pile of burnt oil that is overwatch 2

there are very rare occasions when i play this but when i do with friends its the funniest shit ever

its fucking mario 1 theres nothing to say

i aint touch this game in years it was good when i played it though

like its a good animal crossing game but i have a higher chance of bettering myself as a human being before playing more of this