Once you get good in it, gameplay is extremely satisfying.
Even noob players can have fun there.
But better with friends, playing with random people can be confusing.

I spent 4 hours in a single place with a friend, and enjoyed a lot.

Perfect mix of rhythm game and exercise to your body. Too bad I don't have VR, played at friend's house.

The best combat RGG has made, great side content, cool QOL changes, less tailing missions, overall big upgrade to Judgment.

Only the story is mixed - great villains, good topic of the story, cool to have a lot of returning characters, but writing is sometimes weird and Yagami as a protag is worse in this game.

Only I wish there was more long battles and boss battles missions and coliseum in side content. Also boxer style should be unlockable in boxing minigame.

What a gem, we need more good action rhythmic games.

Dollar store doom.
It is fun, cool weapons, most mechanics are doom (2016) copy paste, but fits well, cutscenes can be funny, I wish playing on higher difficulty was more enjoyable.
Nice dessert to consume, its on game pass.

Great beat 'em up combat with entertaining music and cool vibe. Very replayable. Should have less textboxes.

Nothing better than modern shooter that plays so good like the old one.
The feel of shooting from gigantic gun named "DIE MACHINENPISTOLETEN" is soooooo delicious. Or just killing nazis in some other funny brutal way. Only stealth elements feels off.
Even the story is fine, I like Blazkowicz's monologues, weird uber stuff, crazy characters and still the game keeps good action in cutscenes, so they don't get boring.

Playing it on steam using workshop for bonus zombie content worth it.

If it wasn't Harry Potter, it would be a shit game.

This game feels like made by people who only heard about PVZGW2 and played too much overwatch.
Gameplay is downgrade in almost every way: no class variants, bugs, shitty camera, sprinting should be removed. Game came out totally unfinished and it still is. Devs stop updating it after 1 year!
Good things are better graphics and animations, new classes are fun with cool ideas, kinda better campaign.

Go play Garden Warfare 2 instead of it.


Great message about trauma, worth your time.

Cool ideas, fun with friends, some pretty good maps. Yeah its roblox looking ass but who cares.

One of the best coop games ever with great community, mod support and high replayability. It should get more support and updates.