Such a great story, memorable characters, great ending, good plot, fun combat in a short DLC. 30$ is a bit much but I got LJ ultimate edition for 40$ so I don't complain. Only new game+ is missing.

This game helped me during my mental breakdown with its music, world atmosphere and great message that sometimes hits well.
Story has great beginning, but can't hold up with its pacing and slowly becomes dump shit insane. Characters like Deadman and Heartman are great, the rest only if they can preform a good acting.
Yeah, gameplay is walking or driving. Good parts are multiplayer concept, planning the journey. Battle segments sucks, only one good boss fight.

2024 and it still the best YAKUZA experience in every way. Maybe not the perfect introduction to series, but there is no better one imo.

RGG cooked hard with story, characters, plot, action, only the pacing in first half is too slow.
Playing as Yagami is fun, but Dragon Engine is still flawed in this game, unbalanced styles, lack of weapons, still much better than Y6 and kiwami 2.
Detective missions sucks, tailing = suffering.
Side content is meh, only liked drone racing. Substories meh, friendship is okay, but too many friends to farm, Yagami's girlfriends are whatever.
So yeah, story carries.

Cool to play after yakuza 0, still very fun, good story, majima everywhere funny first time, but gets really repetitive. Flawed as a remake, but it still a good game.

Really liked it despite many flaws.
I haven't played OG 2 so enjoyed its very good story, combat kinda fun, but its a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG downgrade to kiwami 1 and 0. Liked the side content and bouncers missions. Majima Saga is whatever.

ICHIBAN IS THE GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah great story, very fresh one to the series, great message, ending broke me.
I liked the step into jRPG, but the combat is undercooked, too grindy, unbalanced skills, but I still enjoyed it.
Probably my favorite side content in the series including substories and minigames.

This spin-off is really great, so glad it came out to the west.
Good story with good message, but not very special one.
Combat feels great, but requires too much grind, I HATE CRAFTING, fighting with pistol is funny, only brawler is shit.
Side content is mixed, has really cool minigames, some good substories, great unique karaoke, but friendship stuff sucks.
I guess its a remake, but they barely add needed QOL like faster skipping dialogues or better inventory which frustrates me.
Banger OST.

Milkman level alone makes this game 11/10, im serious.

Its a dead game now, but back then it was almost perfect casual shooter.

My favorite casual shooter. Lots of variety in classes, lot of fun ways to play and very simple, but never gets boring. If only progression wasn't based on stupid loot boxes.
Sadly its dead now, only a few lobbies left.
Thats the EA for you.

The best indie game out there.

I made too many screenshots while playing it.

Use steam workshop for even more fun.

Fantastic gameplay with lazy level design. And give me back split screen 343.