The fact that EA back then let Respawn Entertainment make a good singleplayer game that sold well was shocking.
Pretty fun mix of soulslike and metroidvania with Uncharted parkour. Combat was good, but the fact that lightsaber doesn't one-shot most of the enemies is weird. Also how the game explains respawning enemies when using checkpoints.
Game has a lot of bugs, sometimes game breaking ones.
Remember when ads of the game spoiled the coolest thing in the game's ending before it came out?
Worth your time if you are a star wars fan.

Nothing better than modern shooter that plays so good like the old one.
The feel of shooting from gigantic gun named "DIE MACHINENPISTOLETEN" is soooooo delicious. Or just killing nazis in some other funny brutal way. Only stealth elements feels off.
Even the story is fine, I like Blazkowicz's monologues, weird uber stuff, crazy characters and still the game keeps good action in cutscenes, so they don't get boring.

My first persona game. I really liked turn based combat, OST, social links and story even tho this version of the game have textboxes and pictures of characters instead of cutscenes, even exploring the city is like that, which is stupid. More reasons to play Reload or FES, but the fact that I finished this 70 hour game says a lot about persona 3.

Great beat 'em up combat with entertaining music and cool vibe. Very replayable. Should have less textboxes.

Play it with good headphones to fully experience this great piece of media.
Maybe puzzles can frustrates and combat feels undercooked. Also too much walking even for that kind of game.
However the main point of this game is perfected. Use of audio and visuals to show how schizophrenia affects people is amazing. Love the setting.

Dollar store doom.
It is fun, cool weapons, most mechanics are doom (2016) copy paste, but fits well, cutscenes can be funny, I wish playing on higher difficulty was more enjoyable.
Nice dessert to consume, its on game pass.

What a gem, we need more good action rhythmic games.

This game helped me during my mental breakdown with its music, world atmosphere and great message that sometimes hits well.
Story has great beginning, but can't hold up with its pacing and slowly becomes dump shit insane. Characters like Deadman and Heartman are great, the rest only if they can preform a good acting.
Yeah, gameplay is walking or driving. Good parts are multiplayer concept, planning the journey. Battle segments sucks, only one good boss fight.

Perfect mix of rhythm game and exercise to your body. Too bad I don't have VR, played at friend's house.

I spent 4 hours in a single place with a friend, and enjoyed a lot.

Fun and somehow entertaining visual novel.

Its funny how one character carries the game. The rest is still fine, only the ending wasn't that good.

I didn't care about the story at all and enjoy it a lot. The best stealth game for me, many possibilities that never ends, could play it forever.

Once you get good in it, gameplay is extremely satisfying.
Even noob players can have fun there.
But better with friends, playing with random people can be confusing.