Halo 2 rules and it proofs once again that if you have full enjoyment playing a game on highest difficulty then it's damn good.

Dual welding gives a great opportunity to let every weapon shine that weren't great in CE. Battle rifle is only good burst weapon in gaming, because it benefit for being a burst weapon in this game. Enemy encounters are always challenging threat, but so satisfying to beat. I liked new enemies like brutes and even jackal snipers. I heard a lot of shit talk about them, but I like having that one enemy that give you thought "fuck, you again", so you use all the power to take them out as fast as you can and there are many weapons to take them really fast like BR or covenants' DMR. Operating scorpion is so fucking epic.

There are still thing I don't like. Operating banshee sucks and you have to do it twice. Slow elevator section with hundreds of flying and fast enemies is an agony. Arbiter's ability is cool, but makes his gameplay way easier than Master Chief. A few times checkpoint system works like RNG. Remaster version looks beautiful, but it tends to lose FPS and OG levels has better atmosphere.

Story is great with cool and memorable characters (sergeant Johnson and Miranda). I like Arbiter and his plot. Master Chief is better character in Halo 2 imo. Only cliffhanger is weak and it started all the cliffhanger in almost every other Halo game.

OST is a banger as always.

Multi is better than in CE, less magnum = more fun.

Damn, I love Halo.

While making a sequel its important to look up what wasn't good enough in previous game and maybe take a different approach, without losing the magic. Banjo-Tooie does this job perfectly, however with a bit of sour.

What I love the most in Banjo-Kazooie is worlds' design. You can go to the center, look around and you already have a bit of understanding what to do to get jiggies. In Tooie with a pack of new mechanics like playable Mumbo, separate Banjo and Kazooie, discovering new moves in every new world and worlds that are much bigger and more connected to each other creates an experience that can be a hit or miss for a player. In later worlds a need to going back to same place with other character or trying to remember where the "doors" lead to can be very tiring. Running around the big world with a few fast-travel panels and constantly respawning enemies is not as fun as exploring more concentrated worlds in Banjo-Kazooie.

With that being said, Banjo-Tooie is still an amazing platform game that is still worth playing. Movement is smother, funnier humor, cooler ideas behind minigames, a lot of cool boss fights, worlds are more interesting and bigger. If you love 1st game, you will definitely love Tooie too, maybe even more for slower paced gameplay. Magic is still there.

So good star wars game it turned my xbox into a loud TIE fighter when I was playing on quality mode.

My knowledge of games begin to extend at very young age when I started watching games on YouTube. My favorite channel was ZackScottGames and mainly watched nintendo games. In my country nintendo consoles were expensive and not available in any shops, only just switch in 2017 made it out.

Banjo-Kazooie finally gave me feel of playing a nintendo game on something I actually own. I know it came out on N64, but since MS own Rare it's available on Rare Replay collection and I'm glad it is there. This game has charm, very fun gameplay for almost everyone and it still worth playing in 2024. Every world is different and introduces new mechanics, puzzles or minigames, simply a masterful world design. Banjo movement is smooth and allows a big variety of moves and attacks, game keeps force the player to use every single one of them. Idea of final mission as a quiz is amazing.

I love almost every single aspect of this game. My only flaws are some platform sections in Rusty Bucket Bay level and in Click Clock Wood and camera problems in small locations. Besides that it's a special game for me and I'm hyped to play a Banjo-Tooie.

When I saw first trailer I didn't liked what I saw. I thought this one would collapse and write itself as another ubi's live service failure. Also there is "XD" in the title, like why did they do this. Still I checked it out, because it's F2P with no P2W elements and I enjoy arena/movement shooters, so why not.

My first impression weren't good by looking at this game. I think this is one of the most generic looking game out there. Everything feels generic: artstyle, UI, HUD, OST, characters... , literally a fucking generic type game. It's like I'm playing a mobile game. Other good multi FPS games care about somehow care to feel authentic e.g. Team Fortress 2 has cool characters or Helldivers 2 this whole "FOR DEMOCRACY" thing. XDefiant has nothing like that.

Good enough, gameplay is really solid. Every character is equipped with primary gun, secondary gun, unique passive ability, tactical ability, grenade and ultimate. Basic stuff, but it works well. I found no ability or gun overpowered to the point everyone use it. Abilities feels rewarding if used properly and they aren't a dominant thing during fights, shooting is still what matters the most nad time-to-kill feels alright. For a launch, it's a very balanced game.

Similar thing goes for modes. There is team deathmatch, domination, push the payload, etc. And yeah, there could be something more original, but what we got is done well.

Still what matters the most is the further support. Content wise game offers enough for now, but what I'm looking for is not only same things added. This game needs more originality.

Main reason I enjoy this game is because I'm thirsty for new arena/ movement shooters for casual players that aren't COD or halo. XDefiant is just solid FPS, nothing more and it hurts.

And fuck Ubisoft Connect for not letting me play it on PC (app just doesn't work), add it to steam please.

I want to start by saying there is nothing wrong that this game is like a movie. Creators have a freedom to experiment with media and do their thing how they will. The challenge is to make it at least a good game. Now Hellblade 2 is impressive and... flawed.

Graphics and audio are really well done and do the great job in storytelling or showing emotions of characters. The game holds up high variety of places so there is always something different to look at. Sound design is so good I even had moments when I put down my headphones to make sure if the sound was in the game or somewhere in my house. OST is good too.

I found the story pretty good. It has much more focus on symbolism and moral aspects than character's adventure, which is good because 1st game already did that. Simple to understand, but still worth to see. My main issue is the role of the voices lowered in this one. They are more like a 2nd narrator than something that Senua have to deal with.

The gameplay unfortunately haven't improved. Level structure is much more linear. You just walk straight. Only thing that stops you are the puzzles. They are very repetitive and just makes the game longer for no reason. There are collectibles, but I found them boring. Also the combat feels good, but plays worse. I had a lot of issues with dodging incoming attacks.

For me it was memorable 6 hours experience, but I understand why many people don't like it, since a lot of modern games gets a lot of praise for the visuals alone, while gameplay feels off. At least this one makes it clear that it is a cinematic game, so I knew what to expect. I liked it, but do I want more games going this trend? Absolutely not.

Playing this trilogy is like watching good old cartoon on TV.
I wish it was my childhood game.

I love when devs don't take their games too seriously, but they are still proud of what they made. NMH steals your heart with it's style, very fun combat and great story.

Travis is very likeable character. Despite being an arrogant loser, his every interaction with his enemies is really well done. Game both shows his aggressive nature and some kind of honor. So the story not only is deep like the wounds in enemies bodies, but keeps entertaining gamers who want to have fun.

Gameplay is very fun, but flawed. Combat is easy to learn and keeps getting better. Some bosses are great, others a bit less. Sometimes controls are clunky and can get on the nerves. Fighting weak enemies in long battles is the best I think.

Between missions Travis need to get cash so there are minigames and challenges to do. They are fun, but moving in town gets too repetitive.

One of the best aspects of the game is how stylish it is. I would say it is very videogame like. The HUD, a lot of different transitions between places, art style and animations - all of it has charm. And banger OST.

If you like dystopian books and cRPGs, go play it.

This game surprises with its original world and engaging dialogues with different types of people, very unique stats which changes the way conversations go. BEAUTIFUL ARTSTYLE, maybe the best I've seen in gaming. RPG elements are implemented very well, you actually care what clothes to wear, what thoughts to have in mind or what stats to promote every level up. For a game that is all about talking to people and listening to them, its so well done. 1st day can be rough, but later on it becomes kinda easy, I mean you won't die easily with all the items and money.

Also the way creators showed the ultraliberalism and fascism is one of the most funniest shit ever.

So much soul and human heart was put into this game, it feels unreal.

Flaws in controls, camera problems and Knuckles' long ass levels can't stop me from enjoying this charming and fun game.

Really well made survival horror game with great gameplay, locations design and good climate.
Things like HUD and menu should have more soul, cuz this simplistic style doesn't fit imo. Fighting monsters with big eye and dogs is very frustrating.

I liked Trek to Yomi and SW3 made by Flying Wild Hog so I gave this game a chance and finished it on the highest difficulty.

The idea of combining western, demons and beat 'em up combat seemed perfect for me and I ended up conflicted about the game. I love how juicy is the combat. You can feel those heavy fists, meat and blood of demons on your hands. There are a lot of tools you get over time and everything is useful and fun. Really good skill tree. Big variety of enemies and cool bosses keeps game fresh.

Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that the combat kinda sucks. Sometimes you just use roll animation through the arena to not get hit. Using dodge and parry feels inconsistent. Once you meet new miniboss, be ready to fight against four of them at the same time later on. ITS NOT FUN. And dodging attacks that cannot be parried is still a mystery for me. One time projectile misses your protag, but still does damage. Other time you can just roll through the attack and be untouched. Also only cool combo you can make is to juggle weak enemy for max 4 seconds in the air by punching or shooting.

Level design is okay. Most locations looks good. But I hate when you forced to pull some shit to open that, there is too many of that. And some checkpoints are not placed in front of the entrance to the arena when you died, but you respawn before you solved the "puzzle" so you have to repeat that.

Story is just okay, the protag could be more badass and the world was better introduced in cutscenes.

If you are looking for fun and juicy combat, I still recommend it. Playing on other difficulties than "evil" should be more fun.

Still not sure if cod fans like this one, but I played it much more than I expected.
This game came out unfinished, but updates kinda saved it. 1st zombie map was garbage, only 3rd was good. Outbreak mode was enjoyable.
The worst part of multi was skill-based matchmaking. Most of maps were fine, some other not. Not really balanced game, as every cod game, but not to the point where everyone plays the same way.
Campaign was good, nothing special about it.
Imo this cod is much better than MW (2019). Maybe not the best black ops, but still fun.

Played it first time in 2019 from Halo:MCC and it became one of my favorite fps of all time and personally my favorite halo game despite its flaws.
What makes gameplay so special are AI enemies, environment, climate, perfect gunplay and this music OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
But yeah there are some elements that can make people go insane, even myself. This one mission with bridges, which never ends, some flood enemies cough, cough with rocket launchers are painful on every difficulty level.
I appreciate this game even more after replaying campaign alone on legend. Its one of those games that gets better when playing on the highest difficulty.
Split screen is nice. Multiplayer can be fun, but I think every other halo game is better in that aspect. Everyone use magnum and nothing else.
No matter what I will love this game forever.