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Time Played

96h 0m

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Told myself I'd come back to this once all the updates were finally out and over 3 years later, I finally decided to give the game another shot. In the last 2 and a half weeks I put 89 hours into the game and got the platinum trophy. Absolutely loved my time playing. I don't know if I've ever felt more immersed playing a game. I just wanted to learn everything about night city and the world at large. Unfortunately I found the different endings to be a bit underwhelming in both gameplay and narrative. Besides the endings though, I feel like the main missions and side missions were fantastic. I was also really impressed with the progression in this game. The way your attribute points tied into your skills and perks was satisfying and really made it feel like I was creating a unique build for my character. Another minor gripe with the game is that the gigs and ncpd missions felt a bit like padding in a game that already had enough content as it is. I don't mind the structure of the gigs, I just wish there was a bit more to them because they got extremely repetitive. Overall though this is a really special game and I can't wait to see how they expand upon it in the sequel.

I actually want to come back and play through this one day. I liked but didn't love what I played of this so far. Really cool open world though.