An Incredible Remake and an experience im going to remember for a long time. The combat, story, characters are all great and this game is worth your time.

This is a really fun rougelike that develops the story of octo expansion by a little. I just wish the levels had more variety and a bit more unique story was here.

This game is really fun, simply put. Its got good characters and a good story along with fun game play. The game was made with a small budget meaning you wont be getting everything. The game took me less than 40 hours to beat (and im a slow gamer) nearly all the dungeon music is the same, and some area themes are re-used but if you see this game going around for £30 or less or just want a bit more atlus then i recommend this game. Its a fun experience and is slept on far too much.

Overall a really fun game and all the chapters are really fun (excluding 9) Sometimes your goal on some screens is unclear and i feel like madeline should have had more focus with her struggles but excluding those 3 flaws, its a game i had fun with

My first ever Smt game and this was an amazing start. The press turn system is amazing and the world building is amazing too. The game is a great difficulty being pretty easy overall and the endings are very engaging and fun. The game has great characters too and the way they adapt to the world makes the game so much more realistic. I highly recomend this game to any jrpg fan.

Around 5 hours of content and its definitely a fun experience, with good missions and story and great character interactions. It is a bit overpriced at £15. If it was £5 cheaper it would be 5 stars from me.

The game play is great and has a lot of depth along with the story for around half the game, The next quarter of the game has the game play be a bit worse and the last quarter sadly doesn't have much story and some missions can feel tedious. I would recommend Strikers or Royal over this game but if you are a fan of the phantom thieves and want more of them i would say the game is worth it