17 Reviews liked by Santi_Chillin

Breath of the Wild fixed the open-world genre for me. Once you finish the tutorial area, the game tells you to just explore. You can literally head in any direction and you will always make progress towards the main objective. This is thankfully an open world that actually incentivises exploration. Many games will just give you a map that tells you where all the content is and leaves little reason for you to wander off. Zelda not only does away with this, but also has crafted the world in such a way that you will end up finding multiple places of interest on the way to the current one your heading towards. The narrative is very minimal, especially when compared to older games in the series. I understand why others do not like this change, but I think it does enough to leave the world in such a state that exploring and uncovering what happened prior to the events of the game is fulfilling enough for me.

A step forward for 2D Marios. The plot is not very convincing, but certainly a step forward. The gameplay is fun, and the addition of badges gives it an extra boost. This game is a symbol that the Mario series is recovering!

who cares if the dungeons suck you can ride a flying tree you spoilt fuck


This game is the definition of the word perfect

one of the most satisfying gameplay loops of all time

Fave 2D Mario game ever. I love Yoshi

As somеonе who wasn't initially a fan of thе Zеlda saga, Thе Lеgеnd of Zеlda: Brеath of thе Wild complеtеly won mе ovеr. It stands out as onе of thе bеst opеn-world gamеs, sеamlеssly blеnding a vast and visually stunning landscapе with innovativе gamеplay and mеchanics. Thе uniquе approach to еxploration and puzzlе-solving, couplеd with a captivating narrativе, makеs it a standout titlе еvеn for thosе not traditionally drawn to thе Zеlda sеriеs.

My first zelda game and it was FAWKING EPIC

You'd think with them reusing the map from the old game it would be kinda dull and boring. Nope.

I think it was different enough that nothing really felt the same. The boss fights for this game is improved ten times over BOTW. Music is beautiful, as per usual for a TLOZ game. I also like the story line for Zelda in this. Ending made me cry and think about life fr

Collected 121 Power Stars with both Mario and Luigi. This game is not only my favorite Mario game, but my favorite game period, and I could gush about it forever. I will return for another 100% playthrough, this time using the Super Mario 3D All-Stars version without motion controls, around the same time I choose to replay its sequel.

A perfect masterpiece. There is so much content here, but it's also so....simple.