Asura’s Wrath is such a fascinating game. A game that jumps the shark within its first few hours but continues to jump bigger, grander sharks in more spectacular ways its entire run through until the very last second. It’s a shame this game’s legacy is sullied by the DLC structure craze of the 7th Gen and the most phenomenal moments are pay walled, even if just by a few dollar today. Well worth playing 12 years later. I will never forgive Capcom for missing the boat on putting this mf in a fighting game.

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Thank god the NSMB era is over. Crazy ass Mario is back!! Ball bustingly hard star Road levels at parts, strange to make the final badge locked behind the final level after you’ve literally done everything.

The combat and progression systems are top degree, ton of fun and varied environments, tough as shit at parts. Best parts from a lot of amazing games before it. Overall the one thing hindering this game is the instantly dated kinomatics on Cal’s animations and how brutally unhelpful the backtracking can be for a game with as many nooks, crannies and secrets as a Metroidvania. May the 4th be with you gamers.

Solid, concise little experience that runs exactly as long as it needs to be (looking at you The Witness). Mixed reviews of the messaging throughout but the game itself invoked a lot of emotions and the ending quote has hung heavy in my stomach these last few days after finishing it. I feel oddly compelled to pick up Stanley Parable now.

Years of Rhythm Heaven have prepared me for this very moment.
(My only main complaint is how fast it feels like the story rushes you out the door as soon as you get all your skills, but at least it never feels like it overstayed its welcome and instead has so much post-game content)

“More of the more of Sunset Overdrive”
I was just kind of whatever on this expansion. FUCK the Energy Ball Trials. Funny little final final boss that doesn’t really tie up the game but gives a nice wink and nod to the player.

“It’s more Sunset Overdrive”
This felt like the better of the 2 expansions imo, new water shmovement and the tight, intertwined locale of the oil rig made this a decently fun little epilogue

Real ass hidden gem! Going from learning to improving to mastering the movement and gameplay loop is super satisfying and rewarding. Feels like maaayyybe it started to overstay its welcome towards the end but this is coming from someone who did every single trial and side quest in between main missions. (Would be a 9/10 if I didn’t have to hear Yuri Lowenthal say “NeoGaf”.)

Maaaaan where to start… a lot of the reviews saying this game “isn’t as bad as people think” but I think it being so bland and forgettable makes it AS bad as I thought going in.
For reference, played start to end on Heroic. While I started getting a grip for the game feel as I went along, it never felt like firefights were terribly engaging, fun or well designed. It had some cool moments and set pieces at play, but the story was just completely all over the place. Coming back to this knowing basically every plot point set up is pushed aside in the novels and gone in Infinite is a bit sad honestly.

That’s some good ass video gaming…
Possibly the first time a single player campaign has left me hungry for more. I wish some of the grander aspects of the game like the characters were played up more. Feels like some show up, get a cute intro and die in 35 seconds while others got more buildup and dialogue. Titanfall 3… I’ll wait for you.

Now that’s a whole ass video game. Amazing gameplay flow, fun but simple movement, each stage feels unique and memorable. Cherry On Top is the charming writing and characters. Knocked half a star off for Rust Bucket Bay alone though.

Playing this on Series X is phenomenal
Controls are completely remappable inside the game, everything runs at a cool 60fps. Level design feels like I should have a jump button, but I don’t.

This game feels like the devs were just so excited to do anything and everything with the new DualShock controllers. It doesn’t always work, and some stuff like camera controls feel wonky but it’s never dull. Will probably revisit this and go for 100% before moving up the series, it’s just that fun.

Difficulty: USA Normal
Rank: Capybara
This game falls into the same slot as Half Life to me where I can see how massively important it was for gaming, had a lot of fun moments but holy HELL has it aged a bit. Some part of this game's design feel clunky and unpolished and the entire 2nd Sniper Wolf fight having reticle bob are actively bad decisions that only frustrate and placate the player during what should be a fun and intense fight. But again, nice story and overall gameplay loop are foundational and im excited to play MGS2