This review will be something different, every time a season ends I am going to write the review and save it so that at the end I can get this review, thus having a more natural review of each season and remembering more.

I thought this was going to be worse, but in short, I don't want to dwell on this. Good 3h season, I love Michonne, especially her post-traumatic stress caused by her children and the visions she has of her, it's wonderful how she deals with them. And damn, there's Michonne destroying a Michonne show in every way in combat.

Special episode S1: shit.

Season 1:
I started this game months ago, played 2 chapters and dropped it for other games, then came back months later and played everything directly. I finished this season just yesterday. It's an excellent introduction to this magnificent game, I love the heavy and dark atmosphere it has. I love Lee, but I haven't been able to love him like many do... I feel that he is a somewhat overrated character, yes, I can understand why he likes him so much, but I haven't connected with him much, but I have connected with the Dynamics of Lee and Clem, not much, but it's something that I liked and it reminded me of games like The Last of Us.
This season is very good, but in my opinion it is a 4/5, it is not as good as many say and expected, the pace is often very heavy and slow, which makes you get bored, the gameplay is rough and very slow, which makes it a little boring. The secondary characters are great, each one is built differently and all their motivations make sense, but clearly the one that connects the most is Kenny, Kenny has bothered me on many occasions, but on others the opposite, I feel that he is a memorable character . for this season and its conflicts are great, the way of coping with all its tragedy is magnificent, its ideology and its character of being hard, cold, and not very trusting is to say a lot, moving forward in its time, as happened with Shane on TV . show.
I like the choices of everything, they seem to have weight, even though everything ends up in the same place and it's fun.
A real The Walking Dead, characters with moral dualities, the expensive truth of humanity, social Darwinism is constantly present, the philosophy of Hobbes appears, the nature of man, fear as a tool, even cannibals with extremist ideologies in so just a few months of apocalypse and basically the Walking dead and I like this.
And the conclusion of this season... The last episode was definitely the best, but... I also didn't feel much about Lee's death (this affected me more with the other seasons) it may have affected me knowing that the I would die, but even Kenny's disappearance has affected me just as much, what has affected me about Lee's death, is Clem, their relationship and reaction is destructive that it ends like this, her having to shoot him, at least in my case, is something Hard and makes you think about Clem's future.
This season is a very good introduction.

Season 2:
This season is just as beautiful as the first, I just finished it, and it even hurt me more than the first. This season improves the Gameplay, makes it faster, more fun and with more options, saving unnecessary scenarios.
The plot is almost as good, I love seeing Clem, I like her more than Lee, the development that Clem is having is too incredible, for everything she is going through alone, she is a little leader, someone who commands respect, she is imposing, and increasingly loses its innocence as it endures the atrocities of humanity.
When we met Kenny, that meeting made me very happy, he was smiling the whole time, and when they were eating together a tear escaped, for me Kenny is like a Lee, but white and more aggressive, I have a very strong connection with Him, seeing him happy again and content, excited, even making silly jokes, is charming. Even when he says "Duck" accidentally, he is very sad.
But of course, this breaks and it's very sad, Kenny ends up losing everything, again, and it's heartbreaking. In the ending, he chose the ending that doesn't kill Kenny, and then leaves with him. I can't kill him, the connection I'm having with Kenny is too great, if I were in that situation, even if he were aggressive and lost his mind, I couldn't, he's family for me, for Clementine, it's too hard, although killing him can May it be the right thing to do, but I can't. Kenny has always done the best for us, Kenny himself thinks he is a danger to Clem and the baby, that's why he wants you to stay in Wellington, and in the other ending when you shoot him he tells you that you did the right thing and when he You are going to shoot after he has killed Jane, he tells you to do it for the same reason. It's a show of guilt and love towards Clem, he can't be as good a father as Lee, but Kenny would do anything for Clem, and I would do anything for Kenny. Jade... We've known her for a long time. The scene of Clem's dream, in the caravan with Lee... It has made me like season 1 much more, I was wishing that it was really a dream, that we would return to Lee, that we would be safe and that Clem would not be so unprotected to the true face of humanity. This season is amazing, for everything, her side characters are very good and you connect with them. Clem is already better than Lee, and Kenny is also a better character than Lee. It's amazing.

Season 3:
Well, I didn't expect this drastic change, I honestly don't understand why in this season they have focused on Javier's story, instead of Clem's, yes, they are related and it is important for Clem, but they give more importance to Javier, like bro, idc, I'm playing TWD to see Clem, not a story that will be useless to me later. But well, after complaining about that, this season has been quite good, especially in the aspect of improved gameplay, playing with Javier is very satisfying, it's like playing with Lee again but more fluid and faster, I honestly liked the story , Javier, Kate and David, I loved them all, they made good side characters like in the previous seasons.
I like the morality and ethics that Javier has, in my case, Javier is someone very good and understandable.
I liked seeing Jesus, he only comes out a little, but enough to be happy. I don't know much to say, Javier is a great and enjoyable protagonist. But hey, all this has no importance in S4, but it does have importance in Clem and everything that happens. I regret the ending I took, let's see no, it's the one that makes the most sense, especially for the future, but I want to be with Kate, not with the child 😭
I wanted to talk about Kenny... His death has destroyed me more than Lee's at the time, it's such an absurd death for Clem to be alone, what the hell... But I like it, it's realistic, but very destructive, seeing Kenny who seems happier than ever again and suddenly dying like that because he was teaching Clem... It's unfair, but of course, what's fair in a world like this? Kenny after all, he protected Clem and AJ, he sacrificed himself for them several times, he is... A good father.
All the flashbacks are wonderful, this season seems like it doesn't add much to Clem, but it does, clearly not the same as one focused on just her, but that's okay.

Season 4:
This season has been considerably the best, we started with an improvement in the Gameplay, it is no longer just cinematics, now there is more exploration, collectibles, killing zombies and improved shooting, everything improved and the graphics brutal.
But what I liked the most in this section are the elections, in this season the elections have much more weight in everything than in the previous ones, especially the new implementation of AJ, where we must raise him, and each decision is very important , it's like you really raised him and every choice has consequences, I love it.
It has an interesting plot, an all boys school lol and Lily is back... Annoying bitch and I'm glad I left her alone on the road.
I love how Clem acts like Lee, each episode the parallels between Clem and Lee increase more and more, but now Clem and AJ. It's too much for a 16-year-old girl to have so much responsibility and have to do such macabre things, it shouldn't be like that, Clem has a very big weight, but she is strong.
This season has destroyed me, both because of her last episode and the relationship with Lee... Those dreams are... Beautiful and destructive, I want to die and at the same time I don't. Clem's story is incredible, every single thing is incredible, the final part... It has destroyed me, for everything, even knowing the ending due to spoilers, it has destroyed me, seeing Clem's expression when she is bitten, so much disappointment at that moment of herself, which is sad. Then in the barn, everything is a destruction and things full of parallels with Lee, AJ has been the goat in the barn, she has cooked very hard.
Clem's conclusion had a huge impact on me, I cried like a fucking dead man.
This game is a masterpiece, and I still pay more attention to thinking about all my actions and not trusting everyone, except the people who show it to you with actions and they trust you. A masterpiece of the human psyche, where there are evolutionary conflicts within the mind, social Darwinism, the survival instinct, the paradox of freedom, hierarchies, egocentrism, individualism, tragedies, traumas, obsessions, internal complexity, everything that the human has on his mind in his daily life, but aggravated and showing the true face of many people.
I love this game, as does all of TWD.

Seasons and Clem rankings:

1.) Season 4
2.) Season 1
3.) Season 2
4.)Season 4
1.) Clementine S4
2.) Clementine S2
3.) Clementine S3
4.) Clementine S1

Top 10 characters:

1.) Clementine
2.) Kenny
3.) Lee Everett
4.) Alvin Junior
5.) Javier
7.) Luke
8.) Kate
9.) James
10.) Jane

"Keep... moving... forward..."

Uncharted but with a hot girl and a Hollywood plot

Pff... It pains me to say it, but Outlast 2 has been a disappointment to me if you compare it to the first, I didn't like it very much, and now I'm going to explain my experience and why I didn't like it, and the things that I did like. liked.
First let's start with the bad ones, since there are many.
- The gameplay is too repetitive, not only the controls, the scenario itself, the ways to escape, hide and everything.
- Hiding in this game is useless, I have only hidden twice, it is useless since you can do absolutely the entire game running without any stealth. That's why there's the trophy for finishing the game without hiding, because it's totally easy.
- Way to guide the player in a stupid way, it's okay that you guide the player, but not in this way, I don't want to be treated like a stupid person and especially coming from Outlast 1, they guide you the way all the time, whether with torches, lights, enemies and behind them is the exit, obvious things that even though it is dark, you cannot miss, with a little intuition you can follow the path extremely easily. Something that hardly happens in Outlast 1, the path is more enigmatic and makes you think more, it is guided, but not that much, you have to think a little.
- Excessive enemies and bad AI, it's incredible how in every fucking corner, in every place there are 70 enemies, especially in the final part, enemies that are absurd and their AIs are totally vulnerable to any fast movement, and they are easy to fool. Even the strongest enemies like the one at school, it's useless.
- I totally abuse screamers, it's incredible how badly the screamers are executed, every 10 seconds you have one, okay at the beginning of the game it can scare you, but then they are absolutely repetitive and worst of all, predictable, if you have seen many games of terrors like me or played, you will be sick of this, unnecessary screamers to scare, and they don't scare if you have some experience.
- The tension of this game is painful compared to Outlast 1, it tries too hard to provide tension, and in my case it has not given me any type of tension, it tries too hard to make the player scared, like other games it tries to make you empathize too much with some acts.
- The level design and absolutely everything is just decent.
- The story seems interesting to me, but it lacks much more context or another way of approaching it.
- I have too many bad things against this fucking game, the villains are fucking sad and cringe.
- The protagonist is a bad copy of Ethan (Resident evil 7/8)
- The religious theme is very good, but it is too typical and unoriginal.
- It follows the same aesthetic as the end of Outlast 1 but done worse.
- Too extended meaningless
- What's going on in the end
- I am a person who is incapable of playing horror games, in fact it took me months to finish Outlast 1, and when I was playing I was scared to death, but this game has not scared me, it has not caused tension because of everything I have played. said, I don't mind the scary atmosphere, even TLOU 2 and 1 have scared me more

Well, I'm going to say something good and it's...

- Jessica's Lore is good.
- Part of the School is decent.
- The graphics are good.
- Some dialogues are good
- Good Lore
And I don't know what to say anymore.
I understand how it can scare many people, in fact, when the demo of this game came out, I couldn't advance because I was too scared, but after seeing so many horror games, it seems pretty meh to me, it's not bad, but Outlast 1 It is better in every way. But it's a decent and short experience.

The antichrist sucks me off. (2.5/5)

This shit is addictive and stressful

After months and months of dropping this game out of fear and scaring myself, because I'm a pussy, I've finally finished it, thanks to Kuro for giving me the strength, I love you, holy shit. The best horror experience I have had in my life by far, I suffer too much playing scary games, but then I enjoy them too much.
The game has an interesting plot, but the best thing is the lore and the tension it produces.
This game can have bad things, such as being repetitive and the abuse of using the same technique to collect keys, etc., but in a different way that at least makes it enjoyable, although it is normal in horror games, so that the player is afraid and he despairs, which he achieves.
An amazing horror game, what I like least is the final part, we start in a madhouse, where experiments are done, but oh, there is a large laboratory hundreds of meters below, a laboratory center like the one in Half Life 1 identical lmao , where the final "enemy" is more than just a fucking crazy man, we tried to stop him, we succeeded, but he possessed us, we tried to leave and suddenly new soldiers appeared and machine-gunned us, the ghost came out and killed everyone, WOOOOOOW, WHAT A GOOD ENDING (sarcasm), Outlast is simply what is worth is the journey, because the story is very XD.
The setting, the soundtrack, the dialogues and the setting are 10/10, yes.
I still don't know how I'm going to be able to play Outlast 2 and Amnesia collection...

Half the game played, half the game watched on YT, only for one reason: Mobile without being able to connect a controller to this game, stinky controls on the touch screen, but it doesn't matter. Decent game, enjoyable

Sekiro is a very good game, but I'm not a fan of it. I have really enjoyed this game every time I have played it, it is addictive and makes you keep playing more and more. It is incredible how beautiful the message is to the player, of perseverance, not giving up and continuing despite difficulties, getting up all the time and fighting until you achieve it. Sekiro is not a difficult game, Sekiro is a game where you don't know how to play and you learn in the process, once you master everything, even the most difficult Boss can seem easy to you. Sekiro (the character) is very interesting, and very good despite having little substance. The story isn't the big point of this game obviously, but that's okay.
The problem that I have had with Sekiro is the problem that it is so repetitive, it is something that has made me drop it many times because I was bored, I didn't feel like starting the game, but once I did, I enjoyed it, but It's very repetitive, I guess it's like that in all souls. But I think I'm going to enjoy Dark Souls much more, the aesthetics and ideas are more interesting to me.
Sekiro is a game that I really care little about, it may be in my top #20 video games, but nothing more, a rewarding experience, and different from the rest. The gameplay is repetitive, but satisfying every time you kill a boss. The parry technique is beautiful.
And I have nothing more to say, yes, the best game related to Japanese aesthetics. GOT is shit next to Sekiro.

I really find this game quite overrated, yes, Brad's character is good, but nothing out of the ordinary. I really don't see anything innovative, or anything incredible, or anything special, maybe only in a few aspects. The plot is actually decent and interesting, but it can be a bit boring. I even had to watch the last hour of the game on YT because I didn't feel like continuing to play it.

I don't have much more to say, I just have to say that I enjoyed Lisa The First more.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to play the last three parts, what agony, I don't enjoy anything, I force myself, the remaining half hour I will watch on YouTube, fuck u (Look below, new review)

Updating this review after finishing it, myself, not YT.
A good game, definitely the last 3 parts are the best. The problem I have had is the repetitiveness, monotony and accessibility/settings. The pacing is a bit meh, there's hardly any dialogue, and it's a pain in some parts. But apart from that, it's a good game for the time, now I'm scared, because it's time to play devil may cry 2 😭

"Devils never cry" "Jackpot" 🔫

3.0/3.5 stars
Alan wake is a somewhat strange game. A confusing and somewhat complex story, but the worst thing about this game is the gameplay, I didn't like it at all, the idea is good, but it needs polishing, it's repetitive and boring, apart from not looking like a survival horror due to the amount of loot and meaningless enemies every 2 seconds,It's Max Payne, but with light and darkness, and the protagonist makes the script from himself. I have to play the DLCs, and I'm going to force myself to play Alan Wake 2 in the future, but it is too heavy, the character's stamina is disgusting, and pretentious trying to give a little more terror due to fatigue and desperation. Screamers in places that hardly scare you.
The best thing about the game is the chaotic narrative and plot, along with Sam Lake on television.
I hope Alan Wake 2 is much better and from what I've seen it is.

I didn't understand why people hate this game so much, but now I understand, I don't have any positive points I can say about this shit.
Empty, meaningless game, no plot, no meaningful dialogue, horrible level design, repetitive gameplay and no variety. Super poor world design, no context, shitty characters (at least they don't destroy Dante nor improve him), Super easy difficulty, I literally finished it in 2 hours. You can beat all the bosses by standing in a corner and shooting. Nothing special, I mean, what the hell is this game doing in the DMC saga?

I've never played a racing game, I'm not a big fan, but this is too good and entertaining lol.
W soundtrack 👏🏻

I remember when I was less than 6 years old playing this beauty of a game on the Wii, I played it too much, but I got stuck, I didn't know how to go to heaven, so I was never able to complete it. After more than 10 years, here I am, finishing what my little self wanted. After having played it months ago and dropping it for playing other games and not wanting to play Zelda.

I have forced myself to finish the last 6 hours that I needed. Definitely the best thing I have been able to do.

Zelda is an incredible and possibly unforgettable experience. The nostalgic impact that this game gives is not normal. I haven't played other Zelda games, and I want to, especially BOTW and TOTK. I'll play it when I have a PC.

Well, this game is an (imperfect) masterpiece. A brilliant story, amazing execution and symbolism, the side characters well... They're fine, Especially Midna and Zelda. Zant is a Goofy antagonist, but having Ganon is incredible, and his final fight... No words. Great puzzles, innovate in each temple, the weapons and utensils for each thing are simply beautiful (hook carry). Link is a fucking amazing protagonist without saying a single word. One of the best hero's journeys a character can have, it fulfills everything in the outline of the hero's journey and makes it incredible. I feel like they underestimate him too much because of that, for being mute.

It may be boring in some parts, the pace is heavy at times, and they extend the game a lot, but it is totally justifiable, but not very enjoyable at times. It has more bugs like many games, but it makes up for it with the good.

Midna I love you.

This game is a masterpiece, something beautiful with a sinister atmosphere, a beautiful journey, I have only played two Zeldas, and each Zelda is a totally incredible journey, this Link, It's possibly much better than Link from Twilight Princess, the game itself, maybe it's better than Twilight Princess, yeah. It's incredible and especially the final part, on the moon, the final fight and the deep dialogues. A beautiful soundtrack, Simple, but precise and charming side quests. At the beginning of my journey in this game, I didn't really like the timing thing, and I was lost, but once you get used to it it's great. This trip is beautiful, but above all if you get all the masks, there is no waste, it is the maximum expression of how to enjoy Majora's Mask.
Unlike Twilight Princess, I have barely gotten bored with this game, you always have something to do and the world is more complete, it is not empty at all, all the items, all the secrets, skins, characters is simply beautiful.

"Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?"

This Game is much more fun than DMC 1 & 2 (2 obv), and possibly better than 1, Although the story is kind of weird and kind of boring, like I don't give a shit about Nero's girlfriend and nobody lol. And the antagonist is goofy.
The game has improved a lot since we used Dante, In both gameplay and story, Dante's charisma greatly accentuates the bad things, I missed his jokes since DMC 3...
Nero is good, interesting protagonist. Especially the duality he has with his arm and the denial of being a demon. He's not at the level of Dante or Vergil, but he's a good character
This game does not lose the essence of DMC, which I like, although in several scenarios... But its errors are like DMC 3, the level design is somewhat repetitive, the gameplay does not have much variety and Dante's weapons some are simply useless. And one thing that doesn't happen in DMC 3 is the difficulty, the normal difficulty in this game is a joke. But ey, devils never cry.
As soon as possible I will play DMC5, quite hyped to be honest.

The phrase "Jackpot" was missing...