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Boquafious is now playing Stellar Blade

1 day ago

thisguygil finished Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen
way better than the base game. it was short, but one of my biggest problems with the base game was all the unnecessarily long and boring cutscenes. this doesn't have that, and most of it is combat.
thankfully, they actually made the bosses challenging, which is nice because the game was pretty easy before. the only challenge before was the crazy high health, but they don't have that anymore, instead they do crazy high damage.
i also like that they finally gave me accessories that aren't completely useless. 90% of the base game's accessories were just slight cooldown reductions for single abilities. at the end of the dungeon, i had swapped all my accessories for ones i found in there.

2 days ago

Boquafious finished Silent Hill: The Short Message
For backgroud, Silent Hill is my favorite franchise- the first 4 games are some of my favorite games of all time. That being said, I know how rocky silent hill is as a franchise after the team silent era. Seeing a free small game from this franchise was a nice surprise... yet I immediately went on edge.

I have no issue with this game being short. I beat it in like 2 hours... no big deal, it's free. I don't even think I have an issue with the cyclical nature of the game... more on that later. What I have an issue with is the presentation. Before I list my grievances, here is something I thoroughly enjoyed.

The design and environments is superb... one of the, if not the best designed horror game atmosphere in recent memory. The part that threw me off is it being set in Germany... and how there is very little "germany" in this world's Germany... i mean they bring in the japanese investors... yadda yadda yadda. I also loved the chase sequences. I am a big "shattered memories" defender, so these chases were not only scary but fun to do. Also, the main monster was awesome (great design).

Now: what I cannot stomach... is the misinterpretation and dare say it... fetishization of suicide and self harm. This game alongside any other show, movie, etc that depicts self harm and suicide rarely get it right. In this game suicide and harm are set pieces... there was a cutscene flashback of the main character cutting herself... and it was portraying in like a "oh yeah... she cut herself in the past"... utterly disgusting.

Anita, the main character, deals with the suicide of her friend, Maya over the duration of the game, yet the way they handle Maya's cause of suicide is extremely dodgy... like they bring up a bunch of ideas as to why she did it... but never really go into depth. I mean I guess that's the whole point... the readers are supposed to figure that out. But, correct me if I'm wrong, there was little to no info on the boy Maya sketched (let me know if I was wrong on that).

Moving on in this same topic, the game tries to show you two coins of the main character... a bully and a friend. Yet by the end I was left confused as to whether or not I should feel bad for the pain Anita is going through. Ultimately, that caused me to feel nothing whatsoever (partially also due to the fact that the game was so short I could not possibly garner emotions on the characters yet).

this game does the environments right, but the story is downright disastrous. I pray the new Silent Hill f isn't like this. There was no subtly, a straight gut-punch of pure nonsense and horrible pulling at my heart strings.

2 days ago

Boquafious finished Alan Wake II: Night Springs
THAT WAS AWESOME. From the hilarious first episode, to the absolutely mind bending third episode, I was hooked.

This was a phenomal expansion. Probably the best expansion remedy has ever had in a game. Let's hope the next one is just as good!!

2 days ago

2 days ago

Boquafious finished Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen
Tell me why this DLC is better than the base game?
It didn't meander, the fights were actually fun, and the boss wasn't too annoying. Actually a good DLC.
Too bad the game couldn't be this good.

2 days ago

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