Digimon World gameplay is overrated, this time of gameplay is better in my opinión

is a great game, but i tried to get the platinum trophy in the ps4 version and now i dont want to touch again

with that quantities of sushi, everyone in this series should have an indigestion or something

I'm pretty sure the creation of this game changed the trajectory of my life, for better or for worse

too much demo, without saying is a demo

I know it doesnt look like it, but this game is actually fun

my fffff and jjjjj key are broken now :(

silly game, that's a box, not a room

Literally my favorite game of all time, anything i say would be biased af

The most forgetable pokemon by far

A meme game doesn't have the right to go this hard

1 game, 1 demo and 1 movie, good enough if buyed with the story so far bundle

im so happy i didnt grow up with the first generation

assuming the mushroom kingdom represents italy (because mario is italian) does this mean the beanbean kingdom represents austria?

the best one of the first trilogy, by far, with the best rival prosecutor, the best final case, and the best overall villain, everything in this one is so good.