no big the cat fishing minigame, 0/10

this game gave us maximillion galactica, so that makes it the worst of the saga, sorry, i dont, make the rules

this game give us the big the cat fishing minigame, make with that information what you want

If you give this game a low score, i assume you have no friends (or you hate the controls, that one is kind of valid)

that one 3 hours long video overhyped this franchise

this game teached me that i cant be a programmer, even if i tried

the game is supposed to be hard, but i ended it in my third run, luck can anihilate a run

is so weird how this game has fortnite-level crossovers, is sad that this game is kinda lame

is sad this game is so short, escape rooms games are an underrated genre,

this game is not complete, why the dev team thinks it is?

This game is propaganda that makes you think italians are cool

not the best version of the game, but its my first experience, i cant hate it

Las Vegas adiction without the losing money part of the deal, win-win situation