10 reviews liked by Sekigan

I loved this game from start to finish, I loved everything about it, the characters, the story, the music to even the gameplay even though its very simple. The story was very emotional and made me nearly cry at the end with how it wrapped up. I didnt expect for the game to be as good as it was but holy shit was I wrong I want to go through the game again and go for 100% completiotion, and i rarely do that for visual novels but I just loved the game that much. It is by far the one of the most unique games I have ever played and I dont think there will be another game like it any time soon.

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I don't even know where to start with this one. As a canon spin off it was decent I suppose. I thought the ending made up for the janky, boring and repetitive gameplay you have to endure for quite a while.

This game succeeded in making me feel extremely uncomfortable in a lot of scenarios. It was unnecessarily disturbing, depressing and had a lot of fanservice. It even has a mini game where you have to prevent Komaru from being groped by robot arms controlled by the kid?? I hated every second of it.

Sad, but glad to say I have like only two positive things I can say about this game. I loved the relationship between Komaru and Toko. Seeing Toko/Syo get more character development and learning their backstories was amazing. It made me like Toko a lot in the end. And of course, Masafumi Takada has once again, created some good tunes for this game. Which saved it for me as well.

Overall I would just recommend watching the gameplay on YouTube, so you don't have to experience the despair this game will definitely give you. I should've watched Berleezy play the game instead smh

Best played with mods but still fun

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A worthy sequel to Episode 1 and I can now see why people want Half-Life 3. THIS CLIFFHANGER!!

The setpieces are amazing, especially in the beginning. I like the fight at the end but not the tower defense one with the antlions. the new enemy types are quite cool.

All in all a very very good game and I am glad I finally "finished" the series.

Very fun fast paced action game, controls were very smooth. Graphics were pretty good and some parts were challenging at times, short missions but there were a lot of them. The pace was always going and bosses were very fun.

A good sequel to HL2, although the quality in levels dip after the citadel level. Nice to see what happens after, the HDR changes do a good job. Wish there was a unique feature to this game. Can't wait where EP2 is going.

Great sequel to the first game. The new unique gameplay mechanics are a lot of fun, especially the gravity gun.

The level design is really good, especially Ravenholm but the last few levels dragged on for a bit. Nonetheless, a really good game, the story had me intrigued and I can't wait to see where it's going now.

A very Intriguing plot with a lot of plot twists and routes. I was very invested and tried to figure out the mystery.
The characters are amazing, especially A-Set and Mizuki. Their routes/arcs made me very emotional and there is no character I dislike. Date made me laugh a lot, I just love him.
The puzzle parts of Aiba are a lot of fun and sometimes challenging. The whole idea behind when to use Timies etc is brilliant.
The voice acting is phenomenal, especially Mizuki's voice actress and during the final scene which made it very emotional.

Overall a great experience, the game holds a special place in my heart.