Completing this game was a white whale of mine for years. When it first came out, me and my siblings made it to the final challenge of Champion's road but could never beat it. Over the years, I attempted several more playthroughs, some with others and some by myself, but they always fizzled out at some point.

Finally, I convinced my gf to go all the way through it with me. We spent hours upon hours getting every collectable, and finally got to Champion's Road and conquered it together. For this reason alone, it holds a very special place in my heart.

Oh also the Bowser's Fury side game is sick. Always happy for more open world Mario.

I don't care what anyone says. I love this game. I love all the kongs, I love switching between them, I love getting new abilities, I love EVERYTHING about the presentation. An absolutely perfect game.

If you need any more proof I love it, I helped develop its randomizer.

By far the best Shantae to me. It feels like they really took everything they learned from the first 4 games and used them to craft the best experience yet. The world is big and fun to explore, the characters are great as always, and the boss fights are appropriately awesome.

Sorry, I really did not enjoy this one. Having to replay the linear levels over and over to get all the secrets was just not fun, and even taking the levels by themselves they were kinda frustrating. The extra modes just exacerbate the issues with the level design. The biggest thing I can give credit to is its presentation, which as always in Shantae is very good.

Best 2D art in the series, islands are small but going around to the different ones is fun. Thought the final area was a little too hard

Pretty fun but very short and very small world. The layered world thing, which was pretty underutilized, was a really interesting idea that I think more metroidvanias should try.

If you can stomach the archaic-ness it's a pretty fun world to explore. Imo it's worth playing for any Shantae fan

Wasn't anything amazing but short and unoffensive, I enjoyed my time playing it

Great game for the obvious reasons, but I was shocked at the level of openness it had. You can do an (intended) sequence break fairly early on and get a particular item very early which changes how the entire game plays out; I actually played the game twice back to back to experience this. Unfortunately the bonus modes like classic are complete ass and needed for achievements

The vibe is great and the game has a good art style but unfortunately it had huge crashing issues for me. It actually crashed for me after killing the final boss

I had an idea for a metroidvania where left click shoots and right click grapples and they stole it from me

Nothing groundbreaking but does what it set out to do almost to perfection.

It's a damn shame to me that this game apparently didn't earn out as it's one of the best metroidvania experiences I've had. The top-down overworld connecting side-scrolling areas is a unique concept I've only really seen before in Adventure of Link, and a fresh take over other metroidvanias I've played. It also allows the world to be huge. I wanna say this took me about 50 hours to finish. Metroidvanias tend to be short, the only other one I can think of that's that long is Hollow Knight which is just built different.

Wish it was less linear, but the amazing story makes up for it.

I adored this game when I first played it. Nowadays I realize that it's mainly just because I love metroidvanias and this was one of the first ones I played. Still, it holds a special place in my heart.