My first Pokemon game, and still one of my favs.

A hugely massive improvement over Gen 1. I loved blazing through Kanto after finishing the main game, and the fight against Red is the coolest moment in all of Pokemon. My only complaint is the level curve is kinda harsh and requires grinding at many points in the game.

This game did amazing things, but jeez was it buggy as hell, which makes it hard to go back to. I played through it on a cartridge in high school whose battery was luckily still working; I still have the cartridge but it's probably dead now.

Best played co-op. The different floors are all unique and fun (except the sub-basement that one just sucks and you have to go back through it like 3 times). The presentation and puzzles are great, and I enjoyed hunting for all the boos and gems.

I missed out on this game because it was, for some reason, rated T and by the time I was allowed to play it Brawl was out. Going back to it now without having played it as a kid, I honestly don't get why some people still insist it's the best game.

The biggest and best Smash bros game. The characters are relatively balanced (especially compared to the first 3 games), World of Light is fun (although not as good as Subspace Emissary), and it truly is a celebration of everything it features. Every character, stage, and item looks, sounds, and feels amazing, and you can tell they were crafted with true love for the source material.

The first game I ever remember becoming entranced with and, to me, the best game of all time; probably why I've dedicated so much time to working on the randomizers for this and the 3DS version.

The world feels big, but delivers a tight experience. The characters are iconic. The overall story is nothing amazing, but it's the moments that make it memorable. The dungeons, while not the best in the series, are very very good (Water Temple is the best one, fight me). The combat is revolutionary, games like Dark Souls would not exist without this one, and even today it feels fun. It has whimsical parts, it has spooky parts, it has serious parts; everything you could want out of a fantasy experience.

I was worried when I saw this game was using the same world map as Breath of the Wild. While I still can't say I'm a massive fan of that fact, they more than made up for it.

The world is generally the same, but it's changed enough that exploring it still feels fresh and exciting, especially given the new areas of the depths and the sky. Not to mention that there's new ways to traverse the world using the various machines you build; Ultra Hand really is the stand out ability of this game (though the weapon fusion is cool as well). Also, dungeons kinda returned, so that's a plus (by far the best one is the pyramid)

I have 100%d this game twice, except the first time I only got about half the Korok seeds.

While I can't say that I hope Zelda continues in this fully open-world-no-dungeon path forever, I think it really works for this game. While it may not feel like other Zelda games, exploring the world and just vibing is immensely fun.

My fourth favorite Zelda game, and the one with the best tone, themes, and story. I was terrified of it as a kid, and even as an adult the clock stresses me out, but if you use the inverted song of time and generally know what you're doing it's really not that bad. As an adult, I can appreciate the world and dungeon design much more.

My third favorite Zelda game. The sense of adventure and exploration is unbeat from pretty much any other game I've played. The dungeons are few and fairly straightforward but still fun to go through, and this games real focus is its massive overworld and grand story.

Probably the best top-down Zelda. The painting mechanic makes exploring the world and dungeons completely unique to other games in the series and genre.

This game was a masterpiece in its time. Today? Well, it's still pretty damn fun to play. Admittedly, I've never gone into it completely blind, so maybe my opinion would differ if I had.

The small world gives a short but sweet experience. Swapping between being normal and small sized, while sometimes cumbersome, is a unique slant I haven't seen in another game, and really does make this game stand out. The dungeons are fairly straightforward, but are fun to run through.

By far the worst thing is the figurines. Even cheating with save states, they sucked.

They took an already great game a shiny coat of modern paint, in terms of both graphics and quality of life. Basically the perfect example of a remake.