I'm still annoyed because I missed one of the permanently missable chinpokomon collectables because I didn't realize I was walking into a cutscene trigger

When this game was revealed I wasn't expecting much. After seeing surprising rave reviews, I picked it up and it blew me away. Extremely satisfying combat and progression/upgrade system, and very friendly to completionists.

Has some of my favorite combat in any JRPG. The combination of the breaking point and boost systems creates extremely satisfying moments that make you feel like a damn genius. Unfortunately after finishing the 8 stories, I wasn't ever able to convince myself to go all the way to the true ending due to the endgame content being intimidating, but maybe I will one day.

As a massive Paper Mario 1&2 fan, this game was exactly what I didn't know I needed. The combat is so much more strategic (and difficult) than either of its inspirations, and to me was definitely its stand out feature. Fortunately the narrative, characters, and world were also all pretty top notch. I can't say it could ever replace TTYD in my heart, but you could probably convince me that it's an objectively better game.

Absolutely loved this game. I haven't really played other games like it, but I'm aware of them. The amount of different ways every interaction can play out was enough to bring me back playthrough after playthrough to see everything and delve into its secrets.

I initially bought it on Switch, where it looked like garbage, ran at less than 30fps and crashed. Refunded and got on Steam instead. Steam version was still kinda buggy but okay overall.

There are a lot of things to like about this game but ultimately I didn't think it was anything too special compared to other farming sims. It does have more of a focus on the dungeon crawling but I didn't think the dungeon crawling played all that well

The initial concept of being a hero who's no longer needed deciding to settle down and build a town was enough to draw me in. I wasn't disappointed, very cute and fun game

Stop adding more achievements to the game I already got them all and they keep adding more

Basically Terraria but top-down and with a little bit of Rimworld-esque colony management. Can be kinda frustrating sometimes but I enjoyed it overall

Simple but satisfying little crafting/building game, gets a bit grindy though


One of my most played games as a kid, I made countless civilizations trying to see what kind of space civilization the different combinations would get you.

Like everyone says, creature stage is the best one. Still, I enjoyed building the tribes and cities in those stages and the adventure of space stage. Yeah, space stage is annoying because you have more and more stuff to manage as you expand and you're only one ship, but the expansion and exploration itself is satisfying.

Apparently this game is somewhat hated due to being over-promised, but I was too young to be aware of anything like that, so I enjoyed what I had.

Fun dialogue and writing but nothing that'll blow your socks off, ultimately it's a visual novel but with some light role-playing elements

The characters and narrative are astounding, and I really enjoyed building a little city on my boat. All the different islands were fun to explore as well.

One of the more unique life/farming sims I've played since you farm bodies and harvest their organs. Besides that surface level stuff, this game has a very occult slant in all of its mechanics. Most of what you do besides take care of bodies is write books, do research, lead sermons, do rituals, stuff like that.

It did leave a bit of a bad taste in my mouth because after beating it it sent me back to my last save. I was meditating instead of sleeping which apparently doesn't save your game so I got sent back several weeks.

One of the most interesting and secret-filled Harvest Moon games. You can marry a mermaid that I didn't even manage to meet in my countless hours in this game. You can marry the harvest goddess if you 100% the game first. You can marry the witch queen if you litter and kill your farm animals. It really has it all