It was good but didn't leave much of an impression on me, now several years later I can barely remember anything specific about it

Probably a hot take but I find this to be the best Castlevania. Normally I like my Metroidvanias more interconnected and less Mario 64, but I found the separate maps strangely satisfying, as well as the partner feature.

The only Igvania where you actually play as a Belmont

The amount of times it locks the path behind you is the only thing keeping this game from perfection. By far the best feeling Metroid, movement and combat wise.

I found it very hard to play the original for several reasons, this version fixed basically every issue I had with it. I still wish I could play on mouse and keyboard but given that that's a fantasy for a Nintendo game, this is as good as you can expect.

Great game feel but horribly disappointed at the railroading

Extremely innovative and important game, painful to play