Game #69 of my challenge

This is the first game in my list made by the well-known company Sunsoft and they have a whole bunch of commercial success in the west, and this was the first one of them.

First of all, the plot is kind of weird and the reason is that when it was first released in Japan, it was an anime type of plot. They though that it wouldn't work for the western side of the world, so they slapped a rushed-up story to replace the original one. The American story of this game is a little boy (Jason) that have a frog (Fred) as a pet. That frog ran away and jumped on an radioactive crate that was in Jason's backyard. We don't know why that kid has some radioactive stuff in the backyard, but let's assume it's normal. Fred becomes massive, dropped into a hole (in that same backyard) and disappeared. That boy followed him in that hole and found a vehicle named Sophia. That vehicle is designed to destroy mutants living inside the earth. So Jason puts a suit on and jumped in that vehicle to destroy the mutants, kill the Plutonian boss and to find his frog. All of this is shown as a slideshow in the game. I know the story doesn't makes much sense, but here we are.

The graphics are actually good. The enemies looks different from each other (even though there are some variants of the same enemy), the background is really nice and immersive. All the different parts of the game is really different from one another, so for a Metroidvania type of game, it's really important. The music is really good. There's a different song for each world and there weren't one that I though was bad, or I wanted to mute. My favorite song was Stage 2 (castle), but the song from Stage 1 (forest) is the most well known of the game. The boss music is really intense and makes you motivated to defeat that boss. The SFX are really average. There no much to say about the sound effects.

The controls as a vehicle are simple at first, but when you progress though the game, they get more complicated, but also more annoying. The reason being is about the wall and celling power-up and the swimming power-up. The vehicle can stick to wall and celling, and when it's time to do some tight jumps, it can be really annoying. The reason is that if you are too close to the edge, you will go down the surface under you when you didn't wanted to. This occurs mostly at the end of the game, but it was still irritating. The swimming power up is only bad because when you want to use your special weapon, you need to hold down and press B. When swimming downward, you will waste a lot of those special ammunitions only because you want to shoot those enemies. The control on foot weren't that bad. It took me some time to learn that if you throw a grenade with A and you hold that button, you can strafe. It's not really instinctive but I figured it out around the middle of the game.

The gameplay is a mix of a Metroidvania, a Platformer and half of the gameplay is a run and shoot. This makes an interesting mix, and you can see that they were inspired with the first Metroid game. The map can be really confusing, but they did something that the Metroid game was missing : a map. Of course, the map is not in-game, but in the instruction manual. It's a good enough map for you to not get lost in it. It shows you a general idea where are the doors and the location of each stages. That was ultra helpful. Throughout the game, your vehicle gets upgrades when Jason defeats bosses. Those upgrades helps you to get access to other parts of the game. Your vehicle can shoot bullets in front of it and on top. Sofia also have access to 3 types of special projectiles : A three missile thing, a lightning bolt and some homing missiles. The three missiles are shot in front of you in a fork shape and can be useful. The lightning bold is the worst weapon, because it shoot under you. It wouldn't be that bad if it would always hit at the same spot. However, the arc of the lightning bolt and the place where it hits is random, so this is mostly useless. The last weapon is the homing missiles. They can be really good, but sometimes, they don't want to hit the target and decides to do some back-and-forth around your vehicle. Those specials weapons were mostly useful in my playthrough against one type of enemy : the worms. Those worms are the most annoying and frustrating enemies by far because your normal cannon cannot hit them because they are too low on the ground. Let me tell you that there are a lot of them in the game.

For the Jason gameplay, I would say that his regular weapon is really bad. The reason being is that his gun can be upgraded by collecting some weapon power-ups. The more you got them, the stronger the weapon is. When you get hit, you also lose one bar of that weapon power-up. Let me tell you that this gun is the most inaccurate weapon in the game. It shoots some projectiles that does an S trajectory. each bullets has a different starting point so it's really hard to aim. I say that it's hard to aim, but I should actually say that it's impossible. There's nobody (excepts maybe speed runners) that can aim precisely with that weapon. So when you see an enemy, you mash the button and prey that it will hit. This is mostly visible against a boss in this game. Because of that, the bosses are really hard in this game. Fun fact, you fight against your frog twice in this game.

The game had some really good ideas, like the weapon upgrade of jason, the mix of on foot and vehicle gameplay. However, there were a lot of frustrating things in the game like the inaccuracy of bullets and annoying creature that makes me giving it a lower score that I would love to.

Game #74 of my challenge.

I'm so glad that I reached a really good classic game that changed gaming as a whole. A lot of marketing was put into this game back in the days (a whole movie was dedicated for it). This entry brought a whole lot of innovation to the franchise and it became the blueprint of all other Mario games going forward. Super Mario Bros.3 is the 4th entry of the classic Mario's (because lost levels wasn't numbered) and boy it was a fun time.

The plot has a twist a little bit different this time : The mushroom kingdom is taken control by the seven Koopalings (bowser's kids). They separated into 7 worlds and stole the magic wands from the king of that kingdom. They used the wand on them to transform them into animals. Peach (sorry, I meant Princess Toadstool) ask Mario and Luigi to go save those kings to restore peace in the kingdom. The theme for this game is like a play, since at the beginning of the launch menu, there's a curtain that opens to tell the player that the play has started.

The visual of this game aged really well. All the enemies are clear and different, the level is distinctive, so there's no confusion of what you can interact with and all powerup can be recognize really easily. The game is super colorful and that makes it super charming because of it. A lot of enemies became staples since this game like the Chain Chomps, Dry bones, Boos, Thwomp and many more. It even introduced the Koopalings for the first time and became iconic bosses in the series. Each worlds are really distinct from one another since they all have their own theme. Also, the music is also really iconic. The composer did an excellent job to creates a real banger. My top 3 songs would be the Underground theme, Hammer Bros. Battle and the Bowser battle.

The controls of this game are simple : one button to jump and one button to run. This run button can also hold items in your hands. Those control are so crisp. They are really responsive and what is really nice compare of any other platformer before this one is that you can control the momentum in the air. All future platformer learn a lot from the early platformers. Something new in this game is the P-Meter. With this meter, you can know when you reached your top speed when running. This meter will also affect some power-ups in the game when you reach top speed.

The gameplay introduce a lot of staples mechanics that will be put in future Mario games. First of all, you have a level selection screen. This is a nice addition since you don't need to do every levels if you want to. You can choose your own path. You can also choose which world you want to play in if you collect the flutes. This makes the game easier to go where you want to go since there's no save files integrated in the cartridge. Another great addition that they put in the world selection is to give yourself some power-ups before starting a level. You collect those throughout the game and that can help the player to beat certain levels (or give you access to certain paths in the stage selection). Each world introduce some new mechanics and each levels feels unique. This makes the game fresh all the time. I think one thing that everyone enjoy form this game are the power-ups. You have the classics like the mushroom, fire flower and the star. You now have a whole bunch of new one like the frog suit, the boots, the hammer suit or the beloved Tanooki suit.

All the world boss are super charming and makes those Koopaling really unique. The final boss is really different for the time since it's more strategies instead of only hurting him. I should also mention that this game is filled with secrets. One of my favorite is that when you play 2 players, if you go on the same completed stage, you go in a battle mode of the original Mario Bros arcade game.

This game is the definition of fun on a cartridge. Yes there are some difficult levels in the game, but completing them are really satisfying. This is a must play for everyone that consider themselves as gamers.

Dragon Warrior, the first of the beloved Dragon's Quest franchise. I know this game influence greatly the game genres of JRPGs. This is my first time playing any of those games and it's also the forst real RPG on the list. So I have no nostalgia for those games.

First of all, the graphics are really charming for his time. A lot of bright enemies sprites that are now icons for the series ( especially the slimes). Everything is recongnizable in the environnement and the UI is well done.

The story is kind of classic. The chosen one that needs to save a kidnapped princess. It does his job and that's about it. The dialogs of the characters are generic or really cryptic. You need to talk to everybody to be sure that you won't miss anything. Without those dialogs, you couldn't found certain mandatory things for sure.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty simple, but a good simple. Since it's some of the first of his genre, a lots of things are barebone or just unpolished. When starting the game, you start at level 1 with some stats. What I found BS about those stats is that depending on your name that you chose, the stats will change. This is kind of stupid, because when you are a kid, you use your name to be the hero's name, but your name could suck more than another kid name.

Also, your "party" is composed of only one character. You also always fight against one enemy at the time. This makes the things really simple. When trying to interact with something on the map, you need to open the menu. So that means that each time you want to talk, items, stats, open a door or even using the stairs, you need to open the menu and use the right option (which makes the thing a little tedious).

The level system is really grindy. You will pass a lot of time turning in circle around a village and beat enemies, go heal and then go back. You will want to grind around a town, because if you die, you will go back to the first town and you will lose half of your gold.

Speaking of towns, the map is really huge for a first JRPG. You will need a map on your computer to find yourself in this map. It's kind of impressive when you thing about it.

I'm gonna be honest, I used a guide to help me save time with this game, but I still enjoyed my time with it. Since the combat system is really simple, you can watch something else while grinding XP or gold and it won't be that bad. I think it's a good game for his time and I would recommand people to at least to try it, only to get a feel of what it was back in 1986.

Game #30 of my challenge

Game # 67 of my challenge

This is my first racing game on my list and let me tell you, it's a really hard one. This is also the 4th game of Rare, one iconic game company of the 90s

First of all, there are not much plot to this game. It's a racing game and your goal is to be first. However, you are not driving any cars. You are remotely controller an RC cart. That's the only premise of this game.

The visual of this game looks really good. The game is viewed in a isometric view during the race. The bright colors makes the game looks really good. It's also really simple, but it works. You can see and identify what's on the race track. The UI is also great because they integrated the map in the bottom of the screen, which helps a lot to know when there's some turns. The Music is also really great. The starting screen is really a banger.

The controls are also really simple : Control with the D-pad, B to accelerate and A to horn (you won't really use it). However, controlling the RC is really hard. Since you are in an Isometric view, it's not always obvious on where to go when you don't know. Also, turning is really hard. This car turn so abruptly it's insane. The hit detection of the cart is also really big, so it's difficult to avoid everything.

The gameplay is pretty simple, but clever. You have some basics car stats and during your races, you can collect stuff to improve your car (like turning, acceleration and max speed). This improvements will stay for several races. This makes the game really enjoyable, since you want to get first, but also collect all the stats to help you in other races. There are also other stuff that you can collect : Frames, missiles, bombs and ammo. You read me well, you can shoot missile in this game to other cars using your horn button, but it's hard to aim them. There are also a lot of obstacles to avoid on the track that will slow you down or simply make you crash.

There's one thing that really infuriated me is that if you get last in a track, you are game over. There's no retry and you start at the beginning. This is really stupid since all the races are really short and sweet. Sometimes, a single mistake will give you a game over and you need to start all over. Also, the rubber banding in this game is crazy. They can crash and catch you right after in the next 5 seconds, but you can't do that, especially when you crash, you will sometimes start backwards. So you need to turn around your car and that makes it difficult to catch them.

Even though this game is really charming, I cannot give higher than a 3 stars to the 4th game created by Rare studios. I know they will have better game in the future.

What would a lot of people consider this game as a classic, this game is average when it comes to gameplay.

Graphically , this game looks decent. The Enemies sprites looks good, the main characters as well. However, the background is kind of basic. A black background with obstacles in the middle is average to the other games that I played so far.

This game is a platformer that you go from bottom to the top of the screen. The screen will follow the character. However, you can't go back. Once the screens goes up, you cannot go down again. This is present in most of the game. You also have some doors that have some shops in them or simply some bonus rooms. The bonus rooms are really unclear on what to do.

Your main character can shoot tiny arrows and jumps all around. This game have also a health bar system. The character can level up when completing a stage or in bonus rooms. Like I said previously, it is really unclear on what you need before entering the room. Once you exit that room, you lose the ability to go back in. That means you can lose some upgrade along the run.

There are some dungeons setting that you can pass through doors and the screen is still until you cross a door. Those dungeon are really easy to get lost in them. The enemy spawns in certain rooms can also be really annoying at some time.

One part that is really nice to do is at the end when it is a side scrolling part where your character flies and becomes a side shooter style game. That part was a nice change to the pacing. However, it only occurs at the end of the game.

Even though I have my complains about the game, the controls are good and the shooting part is kind of fun. However, I still don't understand why so many people adore this game when I only found it decent. Maybe it's simply because I don't have the nostalgia for it.

Game #45 of my challenge.

Game #65 of my challenge

Sports games was really popular at the time. It was meant to reach out to different type of kids and try to reach the interest of some to play video games. A lot of sports had their own games, but it was time for Hockey to have his place to shine.

Once again, there ain't no plot to this game since it's a sports game on the NES. Simply be the hockey champion and beat every country.

The Intro music and game music is catchy. Nothing extraordinaire here but does the job.

The visuals are neat. The ice is good looking and nothing is really missing for an arena type of view. The characters looks decent. They created 3 types of shapes for the players on the ice and the only thing that they did is to swap colors to represent each country in this game.

The controls are where the shit show starts : You control a hockey player. You can shoot or pass the puck. This is the basics of how a hockey game should work. You can tackle the player with the puck to steal it from them. What is the most annoying thing about this game is that when you control your hockey player, you also control the goalie. This is the worst design decision ever. The reason for that is if you are at a disadvantage, you can't really control the player, because if you do that, the net will be so vulnerable. So the only thing that you can do is to goalie for the whole disadvantage situation until you are lucky enough for the goalie to keep the puck.

The gameplay is really not good as well. You have 3 type of players on the ice : The skinny, the medium and the fat one. They each have their speed and strength associated to one another. However, there isn't much difference between the stats of all of them (especially the speed). This makes the game really frustrating since the skinny one are kind of useless. Scoring in this game is also really hard. The computer is so good to block your shots. It was so painful to play this game that once I scored one point more than the other team, I kept the puck behind my goal and wasted time until the game is over. I know this is shameless, but I did what I got to do to win a game and get over with it.

While this game was really popular at the time, I had no fun at all playing this game. Maybe this game was more appreciated for his 2 player gameplay, but I didn't tried it and probably won't. This game is not be open from me ever again.

It's a fun game. It's a mix of a puzzle game and execution game. It can be really difficult at times, but being able to control the AI is really nice. I would recommand it in small bursts since there's a lot of levels.

Game #13 of my challenge

I don't know if this game was the first one of the beat them up genre, but it is certainly the first one on my list. For one of the first, it's not too bad of a game, but it still have many flaws.

First of all, the controls are a lttile bit clunky. It's not consistent on what attack you wanna do. You will also abuse the hell out of the flying kick attack. If you try any other attacks, your butt will get kicked. So the flying attack is the only attack that you cannot get abuse by other enemies.

The hit box aren't that great too. Trying to be aligned to hit someone is really hard to do. You need to be perfectly aligned to do so. There's an enemy that what really annoying because of the hit box : the motorcycle guys. When on foot, you need to do a diving kick to hit them without getting hit. However, the alignment and the timing is really hard to execute. You will get hurt by them and you will also be mad at them.

Except that, it's always pleasant to beat some random goons. There's also some cool parts like the one on the motorcyle that you kick people off of their own bike.

The game was pleasant, but I wouldn't recommand for someone to get out of his way to play it since it's not that accessible.

Game #31 of my challenge

Game #61 of my challenge

Before I start this review, this game was added to the list of game that I have recently, and this was release in may 1984. The game I was playing before this one released in december 1987. So this is a game that I need to catch up for my challenge. For reference purposes, this was release after Pinball in my game list, so I will judge it on that. (FYI, my next couple of review will be some catch up as well).

Flicky is an Arcade game that really have it's own identity. A game made by Sega, Flicky is a platform game that the main goal is to save some Chirps from some cats named Tigers (they are actually cats, not tigers) and some Green Iguanas called Iggys.

The visual is really good compared to all other games that I played before this. The only game that is visually better than this game that was released before was Dragon's lair. The main character Flicky, the flightless blue bird, is really standing out in terms of protagonist. The sprite of Flicky is well detailed. The background is also charming and the enemies looks good.

The music is simplistic and also charming. It fits the theme of the game and although the music loops a lot, it never bothered me to listen to that song.

The controls are good, but not the best. Since you can't fly as a bird, you can only jump. The momentum of the jump feels good, but it's annoying when you touch a wall, because you bounce out of it like if you were a bouncing ball. This makes the platforming precision kind of hard. Also, the controls are only the D-pad and one button that does everything. It would have been fine if you would only jump with it, however, that button does another thing as well. In the levels, you can grab random objects that the character can grab by simply running into it. You can throw them at enemies, but with the same button as when you jump. So that means you need to jump to throw the object, which can be a pain at times.

Gameplay wise, you need to collects some chicks spread throughout the level and bring them to the exit door. When you grab one of the chicks, it will follow you behind. You can collect multiple of them and they will all follow you in a line (which is really cute). Bringing multiple of them at the same time to the door will gain you more points. You will lose a life if a cat or iguana touches you. The enemies can also break the line behind you if they touch to the chicks. Depending on the type of chick (sunglasses or not) they will run away with different behavior. You can grab them again without issues or penalty (except for the time bonus at the end of the level).

The bonus level is simply Flicky with a net that tries to catch the chicks launch by some cats with a seesaw. It's chaming and kind of easy when you understand the path of the chicks.

With all 48 levels, I was starting to be tired of playing since the game is kind of redundant. The last level have Sega being part of the level design, which is great. Something that I noticed is that this bird seem familiar. After further investigation, I learn that this bird is the one that Sonic the hedgehog can save from Dr. Eggman. This bird is part of the tiny animals that are captured.

The experience was short, but redundant at the end. I still enjoyed my time and though it wasn't a bad game at all. Would recommend to try.

This is a franchise that is considered a classic of that era, it wasn't made for me.

While the first one was underground, the second game of that franchise is now taking place on the surface. This perspective brings a more "puzzledly" aspect to the game.

Instead of just use your pump to blow up enemies (which you also can in this game), you can now sink parts of the island to help you eliminate multiple enemies. While the idea is really good, the execution is poorly made since it's hard to determine which part of the island that will fall using your drill.

There are multiple stages, but the game can be repetitive. I still prefer this one compared to the first one, there's isn't a big gap between the 2.

Game #21 of my challenge

The first of a legendary franchise. This game have innovated so much in the gaming industry with all the newer stuff implemented in or simply polished certain mecanics already introduced.

First of all, the story is mainly in the booklet. However, you can still see some bits of story telling in this game since there were some speeches from characters in-game. The only game older that I played that had text in-game was Super mario bros when saving a toad or princess toadstool. This makes the world that you play in way more alive since you could interact with a whole bunch of characters.

The graphics is also really good for the time. All the sprites are easily distictable between them. Also the world inside is very lively.

Speaking of world, they introduce in this game a new type of way to create this world. Instead of having one single screen that the player interact with or one level that scrolls when player move in one direction, they had the genius to create a map composed of multiples squares, and each of those squares, they had a fixed camera. When the player goes outside of that square, it goes to another part of the map. It's a genius way for the player to have a sense of exploration in the map. They also had a whole bunch of secrets in the hyrule kingdom, which makes the player wants to interact more with obstacles and the world.

The many secrets is doubled-edge sword, since they were reallly hard to find. Sometimes, those secrets were important to the main quests since there were a lot of hidden dungeons that needed to be beaten to get a piece of the triforce. So this game really needed to have a guide to beat. This was one of the ways they could sold more copies of Nintendo Power (since internet wasn't a thing yet).

This was also a long game compared to all other videogames that was release before it. Which is why they implemented for the first time in an NES cartridge a saving system.

All the equipments in the game are really good to help the player to have a feeling of getting powerful each time something was equipped to Link. Some items were optional, only to help the player to have an easier time with the game, but some of them were mandatory (especially to find dungeons and to beat Ganon).

One really neat thing about this game as well was the lifebar. Instead of having some one-shots kills, the player could now eat multiple hits and survive and also being able to heal was also a huge thing. Player could also find some heart pieces and/or heart containers to upgrade Link's health. There were no other game (that I'm aware of) that had that system implemented before this game.

I already said a lot about this game, so in conclusion, this is a great game that people should try to beat once, but should use a guide to help them since there's a lot of hidden secrets and hard enemies. A must play.
Game #27 of my challenge

This game had a unique take on the adventure game of the time. It's a 2D side scrolling adventure game with some RPG elements in it which makes the game ambitious for the time.

The story of this game have a little bit depth to it. it starts off with our character, a wanderer with no name, coming back to his town. When he arrives, he see that all that he once knew have changed and the village was in trouble. He then goes see the Elven king and learns that they have been attacked by the dwarves and they stopped the Elves water fountain and poisoned all the remaining water in the village. Your goal is to put a stop to this. The story is really well given to the player in the game the dialog that the NPC gives makes more sense and also have more than one sentence. One thing to point out is that when talking to an NPC, there's an animation of their face talking to you. This makes the game a little more immersive (even though they look like they are having a seizure ).

The music is good, but not memorable. The music does a good job of be fitting in this adventure that you take part in, however, I couldn't be able to hum any of those songs.

The graphics of this game are better than all other games that I played previously. The NPCs are detailed and can be differentiate from one another. The enemies are also nice, but some bosses are not great looking. Some of them are just plain ugly looking. The background and environment of the game is also pretty good.

The controls of the game are good in general. A to Jump and B to attack. You can do Up B to use the magic equipped on you (which a lot of games started to do that). The only thing is that when you want to use an Item, you need to do Down B. This is really not instinctive. They could of use Select since both Start and Select paused the game for you, but one of them brings up the menu.

The game also have a lot of variety in the gameplay. There's some village where you can buy some gear, items, heal, restore magic and save in them. Outside the villages, there's some enemies that wait you in every screen. One really big gripe I got about this game is the spawning position of certain enemies. Some enemies spawn exactly where they player appears on the next screen. Which makes even worse is that when you go though a door, the enemies will spawn on the door, which makes it impossible to dodge. This happens way too often in the game and that makes it frustrating at times. The player can gain some XP by defeating enemies and can only level up in the church.

This game was a good experience from start to finish, however, I cannot put it higher because of the frustrating moments (and also an item that when you pick it up, instead of buffing your attack power, it debuffs it because it was not well programmed).I would still recommand playing this game if you want to try something new on the NES.

Game #56 of my challenge

This is a pretty good space shooter. Even though there were a lot of this type of games back in the day, the Power-up systrms is what that make it special.

When beating a certain type of ennemies, they will drop an '' Power Capsule'' (name in-game), your ''Power Meter'' at the bottom of the screen can go up to one. When the bar reaches a power up that you want, you can purchase it and a Add-on will be added to your ship, the Vic Viper. This makes you feel extremely powerful, but the only problem is when you die, you lose all your add-ons and restart at the last checkpoint. This makes the game extremely brutal

Graphic wise, the game looks good for his time, however, when there are too much stuff on the screen at once, the game becomes extremely laggy and can be really slow, especially against the orange balls with two arms.

I will be honest, after a while, I used some save states because restarting from scratch can be really annoying. I still have an enjoyable moment playing this game.

Game #19 of my challenge

Never been attached to this game. Yes the mecanics are really different from the arcade games of the time, but the game is really repetitive.

Game #4 of my challenge

I know that this game gets dunked on by almost everyone, however it's not as bad as people think it is.

The plot of this game takes place 7 years after the first game. Simon got a curse from dracula after defeating him and his goal is to find all pieces of dracula's corpse and get rid of them once and for all. Doing this would get rid of the curse. It's fun to have a continuity in the story (even though it's NES game plots).

The Soundtrack is really good like the previous one. I cannot say that there's one song that I think it's bad. Satoe Terashima is a composer that was on the first one. This person and the rest of the team did a good job once again on this OST.

The graphics are pretty much similar to the first one. It's really good and you can differentiate mostly everything from the game from just looking at it. The setting and backgrounds are still atmospheric.

For the gameplay, They decided to chance the formula of the first one. Instead of being a 2D side scrolling that you need to go from point A to Point B, it's more of an adventure game. You need to go in different regions and part of this world to collect key items and defeat bosses. I would almost consider it a metroidvania. You still have your whip and other items in your arsenal, but now, you need to purchase it. There's some village scattered all around the game and you can do a whole bunch of stuff in them. There's also a leveling up system in this game.

There are 2 controversial part that people thinks it's a bad game because of it. The first one is the Day/Night System. People say that that those transitions are annoying and happens too often. I gonna say that people with this opinion are exaggerating. The reason for that is that the timer of when it's day/night only advance when you are outside. Meaning that when you are in a building or dungeon, the timer will be on pause. The other thing is that the transition to change from day to night (or vise-versa) is only 9-10 seconds. There's some recent games that the loading screen lasts even longer. The Day/Night system also influence the ending of your game. There are 3 different ending and it all depends on how many days (in-game) it took you to beat the game. This is really nice for back then to have 3 different endings. The only one that I played that had that was Metroid.

The other thing is that the game is really cryptic. To that I said it's true, but only for a handful of things. Most of the game you should be fin on your own. But it's true that there are some stuff that the game will never tell you to do and without a guide, your progress will be blocked.

My biggest complaint is that you will lose all your currency if you game over, which is really annoying. Other than that, it's a decent game and people should try it and see how fun it can be. I still prefer the first one, but I still enjoyed my time.

Game #54 of my challenge