I think a lot of the criticisms that the third act gets are pretty valid but I just loved this game and loved more reasons to spend time in it. The first two acts are truly wonderful and some of the best content in the whole series.

I looked forward to drinking tea in the evening and playing the cozy life sim portions of this game, and then I enjoyed drinking coffee in the afternoon and blasting through the dungeons. There is two different games with two different vibes in this game and I adore them both

Really great narrative and visuals, however the gameplay here is overly simply and at times very frustrating. I didn’t find trying to look at objects at just the right angle to make them form a shape to be very fun

A game with some truly brilliant moments brought down by tons of terrible padding and filler content.

Very atmospheric, can’t think of any game that made me feel quite like this game did. However the constant back tracking and lack of clear direction did get irritating at times