59 Reviews liked by Shien

She Creeper on my Pickaxe til I Mine in her Craft

i mean it's minecraft man this game was everything

Utterly brilliant commentary on electoralism and the futility of voting
EDIT: James Stephanie Sterling owes me royalties

Help I’m stuck on the level where you have to support the bombing of Yugoslavia. Apparently the level where you have to support an apartheid state is even harder.


They really didn't have to go this hard on a fetish game but I'm glad they did.

It is genuinely very impressive how this game is not only original but consistently fun throughout its entire duration, all while being a fetish game.

Also, don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise, it's a fetish game through and through. You should feel a small sense of shame playing it, I certainly did.

There's not a whole lot to say really, I found it very fun all throughout, though if I had to point out the game's biggest annoyance, it would be that sitting down to get smaller can take a very long time, especially at the start of the game. Constantly having to go up and down all the time can be quite boring, though eventually you can get an upgrade that allows you to speed up this process by holding the magic button, once this is obtained the game feels far better to play.

Them feeders are eating good tonight.

Fantastic spin on mystery genre with a really unique aesthetic. I'll admit at times I had to look things up solely for clarification on how to input some of the fates, as well as just guessing to try to figure out others, but this game really has everything you need to play it completely blind and it feels super satisfying when you get a notification that you're correct.

Haven’t played gen 5 since I beat Black 2 when it came out. Decided to play White 2 Challenge mode to see if this game is actually harder than the newer ones. I’ve discovered Pokémon was never a hard franchise you just have to grind. Still a refreshing experience that holds a lot of charm I feel like newer gens lack severely.

Been 4 years since I played it and man I gotta say this game manages to be the most cumbersome game at times. Online experience (trying to get real people for Max Raids or trying to do surprise trades) is absolutely bogged down by multiple bots and hacked Pokemon that massively take away from the experience you'd have at launch. Wild Area is still gross looking, barren, and empty. Character designs are still this game's biggest saving grace. The finale against Eternatus is still the coolest part of this entire game.
The added on DLC does help a little in terms of QoL such as expanded Pokemon availability and ability to give GMax to any Pokemon, and Isle of Armor at least has the foresight to scale levels based on whether you've beaten the game or not, but Crown Tundra is broken beyond belief. You can run in, lose to Peony, then go get a free Level 70 Suicune to make a joke of the entire campaign, AND you can keep going into DMax Adventures to get a full team of Lvl 70 legendaries quite literally as soon as you hit the Wild Area in the main campaign if you choose to, because Pokemon will still listen to you because they aren't traded over.

Everyone asks "can it run Crysis" but nobody asks "should you run Crysis" because the answer is no you shouldn't

Let me just say right up front; I put about 12-ish hours into this game. So obviously this is not a comment on the whole experience, beginning-to-end.

But I have to say; I have had no fun with this. And I mean that literally, not in any kind of hyperbolic sense. I have had zero actual enjoyment with this game, for a dozen hours. It is an ugly, grey, lifeless RPG with mediocre action and not a single interesting conversation to be had with any of the people I've met so far. And the UI might as well have been designed by an alien. I have no clue how Bethesda can be this deep in the game and still be making menus and inventories like this.

Miss me with any "well it takes 85 hours to get good" shit. I don't watch two seasons of a TV show to get to the goods stuff, so I certainly won't tolerate that kind of thing in games. You can make a compelling intro, even if your game is generally a slow burn - I'm fine with that. But aesthetically, narratively, and gameplay-wise this thing offers almost nothing in its opening act.

purrgatory is a game that does exactly what it says on the tin. it is a wholesome vibes head empty game, and it brands itself as such. if you seek out slice of life wholesome vibes head empty games it's probably good!

the furry community is fractal, and i think a lot of times this sort of cutesy ">:3" wholesome vibes head empty epic pun "you like kissing boys dont you" aesthetic gets conflated with the whole of it. full power to you if you prefer this aesthetic, but my personal favorite furry works are almost always paradoxical in nature, at the same time cutesy, unassuming, and bleak and depressing (read echo!). i feel that the tension and contrast betweens these attributes ends up heightening the effects of both. but unfortunately the second half of these attributes are often hidden or obfuscated so as to increase the level of "shock value" at the heel-turn--so I end up more often than I would like tackling these wholesome vibes games and most of the time feeling a tad let down--through no fault of the games themselves.

in a world without undertale or chicory or mother 3 or one of many other games which use the contrast of cutesy smoothed presentation to heighten the contrast between heavier themes, i likely would have never crossed paths with purrgatory, but those exist and i did. ultimately i guessed that "hey this is about the afterlife which means death is like a thing, it's probably like secretly about heavy shit" and i guessed wrong. also i do not vibe with the character writing sorry, everyone feels one dialogue box away from keysmashing to express heightened emotion and referencing some niche tumblr in-joke from like 2017. if that sounds palatable to you go for it, but its not my speed

really like the music and visuals though!

I've played Payday for 10 years. I bought Payday 2 in 2013 and loved it, followed the secret, finished it myself, did every heist on DSOD, I've done everything you can do in Payday 2. This was meant to be the follow up that would blow my mind. I was ready on release date to spend hours playing this with my buddies.

We got two heists in, the servers have been down for almost an entire day now. Starbreeze starkly defended the always online nature of the game, and now it makes them look like clowns. You can't even play the game solo, you have to matchmake for a game with bots. You also need a 3rd party nebula account to even play the game.

The UI is terrible. The menus feel like they were made for controllers with no account for PC. There's no lobbies or lobby browser (e.g. CrimeNet), you get booted to the main menu after every heist, no way to keep playing with the crew you were just with. All the weapons are just in a list clumped together, no filter of weapon type or primary/secondary. Weapon stats are shown in bars instead of numbers. Customization has been completely stunted as well as build variety. Most guns feel the same, abandoning the myriad of playstyles and builds available in Payday 2.

Melee bash does almost nothing, terrible damage and not even a stagger. There are no melee weapons, no lasers, no safe house to go to. The ping system is extremely bad, you are forced to use the ping button to shout at civs or mark guards and special units, instead of just using the interact button. Instead of a normal EXP system, you're forced to do challenges to level up. The skills force you to play around three boring buffs, most of the skills are built around this, and many skills are overall completely useless.

I wanted to love this game, but so much of it is super off-putting, feeling like it was released way too early. Stack on the fact the game also been mostly unplayable since release. I hope they can make this better, but for now I'm extremely disappointed.