944 Reviews liked by Shrouls

love how immersive they made mann vs machine!! I can barely distinguish it from the casual pvp matches!!

we can't be friends if you like this game

I want to taste human flesh so badly

This dlc is a must have if you own the base game. This dlc does what main game does but sticks with the main gameplay formula with new and stunning environments and levels. Even the bosses are tough and challenging and taught me the true meaning of determination, they are some of the best I have ever fought with a brilliant soundtrack that burst me into tears of joy. No other dlc has brought me so much joy and satisfaction as the old hunters. Please don't miss out on this dlc totally worth your money!

Maybe a little too short, but overall and amazing DLC, I'm not a fan of that big wolf boss but Sister Friede is absolutely incredible to beat

more like Doki Doki Shiterature Club lmao gottem

A quirky game made during the era where a lot of games were joking around with the idea of intentionally challenging and obtuse control schemes (eg. I Am Bread, Surgeon Simulator, etc.) This was possibly the originator of that trend to my knowledge, though I could be mistaken.

The difficulty of the controls is pretty exaggerated (at least with a controller), and it starts to feel intuitive fairly quickly. Still, the challenges can be quite fun and satisfying, and the game has a charming sense of humor.

What a wild fucking game from start to finish. Act 1 is obviously phenomenal and could (and maybe should) have been its own thing, and has easily the best gameplay and atmosphere. Act 2 isn't nearly as good from either a gameplay or atmosphere perspective, but it's over pretty quick and moves you on to the batshit crazy final act. I'm still not entirely sure what actually happens in this game, but it's so insane and ends with such a cool last half hour that I didn't really care. This game is super close to being amazing if it wasn't dragged down by Act 2 and a slightly unfocused story, but I really enjoy what's here.

I have been playing this game for years and it is the main factor towards my spiralling descent into insanity
thank you spelunky

Guacamelee asks the world a bold question: "what if there was a Metroid game about being a luchador?", and we are all the better for it.

Man, I really wanna fucking like this game, in fact, it was my favorite game when I was a lil' kid. But now it has so many fucking problems it's a slog to play.

Every lobby has more than 1 cheater in it, game runs like shit due to spaghetti code despite being made in 2007 by fucking Valve (99% of their games can run on Stone Age computers but not this one lmao), and the only updates it receives are shitty lootcrates.

Even the devs are tired of this game. Valve, either get your shit together and fix it, or just let it die.

A very promising start for Valve.
Sure some parts have aged pretty poorly (cough cough Xen,) but still has great gunplay, story, and funny scientists, security guards, and soldiers