SigleifTheRapper's Top 25 GOATED (23/01/2024)

This is my personal top 25 as of 23/01/2024. I will update with a new list whenever I feel there are significant changes.

These games are not synonymous with my highest rated games. These games are rated with both my score and their significance to me personally, in mind.

For alot of these, I have thought about which I would rather re-experience for the first time again first and foremost, and then factored in other things. I think this is the best way to get my definitive opinion.

Whilst it's not the best game ever, I have really fond memories of the time I did spend with this game, both with friends and solo, and it's the kind of experience I wouldn't want to have missed.
A fantastic start for the future of 3D Sonic, but it's just missing something that gave Sonic Adventure 2 that magic.
Decent gameplay with great graphics, even if the performance was shoddy on the PS4. The main attraction is how beautifully adapted the story is for newcomers to the game like myself. Really some touching moments in this story.
Off the heels of quitting WoW this story was exciting, refreshing, and emotional. The peaks of the story are some of my favourites ever.
The most inconsistently brilliant 3D platformer i've ever played.
My first ever Zelda game and it was an excellent first experience. So well crafted, gloomy and thick atmosphere to boot.
Beyond the content draught being the reason I got into World PvP, which was best in this expansion, it was the expansion I met my beautiful wife in.
Best 3D Platformer i've ever played.
FromSoft's second best game.
I've had my account so long I don't even remember the login details.
A beautiful story with a beautiful message, and beautiful Teddie being epic.
Persona 5 Merciless is one of my biggest personal gaming achievements.
I vividly remember at the height of the main story I was tearing up and a wasp started buzzing on the dining room window and I got scared because it didn't die when I sprayed it.
Gen V was so peak it needed a retelling as a sequel.
Absolute peak horror classic. The OG Resi 2 Soundtrack DLC is too scary for me to use. This is a standout for me as it was my first ever survival horror game that I played (especially through to completion).
Dimitrescu and Abortion Baby sweep.

But real, the abortion baby broke my heart.
I don't even care that I suck at it, this is the best fighting game for me.
More peak WoW but this expansion just doesn't hold the same memories for me that the others do.
Same as with Shadowbringers, but the edgy air surrounding this expansion does hold it up higher for me than others probably.
The fact that at unfinished game is in my top 5 makes me sad, if this was allowed to stay in the oven under Kojima even longer, then who knows if this would have made it to my number 1 spot. Such a shame.
The best Pokemon game ever made and the last good one. Gamefreak went out with a bang on some of the best Pixel Art and pseudo-3D renders ever made, and especially on the DS.
So many countless hours spent with friends. An almost flawless experience that i've played for countless hours.
Just my absolute favourite story from World of Warcraft and one of my favourite eras of the game.
Undoubtedly my favourite game of all time.
Sega don't miss on the Dreamcast.


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