I would absolutely rate this higher if I hadn't been soft locked out of a key mission ;-;

Fun! Slows down a bit later on but still very enjoyable even without finishing things.

One of the most immersive RPGs I've ever played. I always have to set aside a really solid time block when playing this game because I will sink into it like memory foam. Wish I had more time to finish and experience all of it!

Can you even really call this a game? I guess so, its a fun concept to try a few times

For a game who's genre is really not my favorite, I enjoyed what portion of valheim I played quite a lot!

Got soft locked into an ending I never wanted, was a fun experience up until a VERY dissatisfying ending that left a really bad taste in my mouth.

My favorite game as a service model I've seen so far. 20 bucks a year for 100s of thousands of tracks, a relatively advanced club system, thousands of user made skins, a really cool track editor, and a whole host of user made plugins that bring tons of useful and fun features to enhance the game. I will be playing this for a long time.

This game will make you cry, its amazing. Great to play alone or with an SO

Beautiful game, captivating landscapes, but they harmed the ethos of the AC games by introducing a level system. No longer does a mission require you to understand the games systems. No longer is difficulty increased by new and unique environments with more complex sets of enemy patrols, and fewer allotted mistakes. If I drive a hand spike through a man's brainstem but I'm two levels lower than him? He gets right back up. I get into a fight with five well outfitted guards? I'm 4 levels higher, too bad for those guys.

Steerable arrow go BRRRR

A game I simply wish lasted longer. Thankfully there's a slightly longer sequel!

I want to finish this game so badly, but due to real thalassophobia it is one of the few games that makes me legitimately physically uncomfortable to play. I made it through about half of the game's story I believe before I just couldn't do it anymore despite how much I wanted to.

A game I really wanted to like, but for some reason it didn't resonate with me, I have some qualms about the weapon durability system and its deeply upsetting effect on the rewards this game dolls out for exploration, but even that was not the proverbial last straw. There's something I can't put my finger on, perhaps its simply an "its not you its me" problem.

The greatest platformer I have personally played. I was so consumed with how good this game felt to play that even after 100% it I needed more. It wasn't till I speedran the game down to under an hour that I was satisfied. Please give this game a chance, it supports all levels of players with one of the most accessible set of settings for difficulty you will ever see.

What Ori ever lacks in precise platforming (which is little) it more than makes up for in its environment and story telling. The style and feel of these games is some of the best in all of gaming.