It's real weird to have a combat system based on music stings, but have some of the enemies just not have sound cues. Punching the bird was fun though.

Me and my new friend just getting absolutely clobbered on a mountain.

Catherine for people who don't know what a dakimakura is.

Great game. The gunplay is a lot better, but it doesn't have quite the je ne sais quoi umami of the first one. Is that solely because Sam Lake Face is absent? Who's to say.

Kyle Hyde might be the most competent video game protagonist of all time. Fella will peel the deepest secrets right off of your soul and then go slam a bourbon and play some ten-pin with Louie. Absolute king.

I was having a blast fighting through the Robot Master stages (Reploid Master stages? I dunno the plot man), and then the Sigma stages hit me like a brick wall. And then Sigma himself hit me like a neutron star.

Bless Luigi's heart, he's trying.

DK Mountain is the best track in any cart racer.

I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds. A shining light to our brothers in arms, even in death.

We are Diamond Dogs.

A little better than Duke, not quite as good as Blood. Considered giving this 3 stars so my friends don't think I'm racist, but had to give it 4 because it was fun to blame everything I didn't like on Randy Pitchford.

Fun gameplay but slightly wears out it's welcome, especially when you realize there's no penalty for dying. On the other hand, King Buzzo.

I'll be honest, I don't get it. Great soundtrack though.

I haven't actually watched Lord of the Rings since the mid aughts.