Improved visuals and melee is somewhat better but that's it as everything else feels worse than the first title.

I like the concept of a shooter with 2d cartoon visuals but this meme sucks.

Somewhat schizo kino hidden behind a very mediocre game.

A much more solid third person shooter than the previous game, with less schizo but more style.

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>protagonist gets mutilated to the point of being just a torso
>gets crushed by falling debris
You can feel the developers seething at how much people hated their game.

For all how amazing it is, I really think the game really falls apart once you get to Fallen Arm.

It is one of the most fun and best soundtracks I have experienced in the last decade.

Its only flaws are some areas (mostly Mataan) could've used some extra polish (too narrow, and few options to combo through), the police cutscenes get old fast, sentries are unbearable, and the combat itself could've been implemented together with the combo system.

I love the concept and good fanservice. When you get down to the actual, janky melee combat and trap setting, there's some fundamental lack of finesse to the design.

Somewhat cute, very amateurish writing, character visuals and animations are all over the place.

Please, never render your game artwork at a sub 1080p bitmap resolution and then proceed to zoom in so it looks even worse.

Fine, bosses are way to easy, somewhat mid castle design but not the worst.

Hey open world, no wait, back to mandatory tutorial arena segment, oh hey open world, no wait, mandatory arena tutorial arena, hey open word, no wait-...

+ Animations somewhat improved
+ Removal of MK11 awful attack and defense meters
+ No longer have to pick between 3 different versions of the same character to have all its famous specials I want to use
- Game still feels almost as slow as MK11
- "Assist" system is garbage you use it to continue combos or don't use it all
- 0 new characters while some of the most interesting returns are locked to being assist
- Worst most generic character designs of the entire frachise
- Storyline at its peak marvelshit-esque writing
- Sound design is really weak
- 2 evil superman's

I honestly just rather play Mortal Kombat vs DC.

Although the annoying BOTW empty ass open world riddled puzzles, bunch of plataforming that sometimes can get really obnoxious... There is a decent game to be find here and a story that while it does take a moment to get it started, it does manage to do something interesting almost mimicking both Anakin's and Starkiller's story.

I just wish the game felt more developed compared to the first one, the new force powers are very barebones and so are the new combat styles, some of them barely feeling playable (specially the crossguard lightsaber that feels like a huge piece of shit).

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While open world to just roleplay freely as a cowboy is
a nearly perfect game, the story and main campaign were a major disappointment to me.

Micah is real barebones of generic bad guy and a even obvious betrayer with 0 redeeming qualities to not get shot in the head in any point of the story by Arthur or John or anyone else in the gang who he never stops antagonizing, Sadie feels out of place in the story or a last minute addition, that just criticizes thieves while getting fed by them and through the entire story she's in the background and doesn't participate at all till she out of nowhere becomes a perfect gungslinger mary sue and helps Arthur a bit in the end.
Most of the crew don't really have their time to shine in the story, Dutch became crazy trusting a stranger in his camp instead of basically his own 2 sons, and Javier and Bill never have even a ounce of their fates in RDR1 ever hinted at, just being on the background till the story ends.

The story of RDR2 along with the linear boring handholding missions are by far its weakest part, which Arthur context addition to it or even anyone else other in the gang don't add to its complexion or themes of Red Dead Redemption 1 at all.

With the news of Dan Houser leaving Rockstar, I have very big suspicions that he barely participated in the writing of RDR2 if at all since I don't think this game's matches his cynical and volatile style of writing a story and its characters, one which also helps to contour the ludorranative dissonance aspects of a story very much so, but don't quote me on that.

Nothing quite like a game where every single mission you have a NPC drive you around like you wait doing nothing or have to follow them slowly walking through corridors like a idiot.