The franchise that made everybody want to start skating.

Visually cool but with a gameplay this boring I wish it only lasted 3-4 hours tops

Literally does not play on my phone lol

You can play this season and Wolf Amogus and ignore everything else, every other Telltale game is complete garbage.

For a game that its prime gameplay component should be the car combat, it fuckin sucks.


I only wish a second one was made.

It was pretty fun sense of brawler progression, I was a kid so I don't think I noticed the lack of depth? Also I think it had coop and that was cool I guess.

A bit of a lazy game.

There are awesome new characters with great fan service animation and dialogues but 90% assets and animations already done in All Star Battle, so with most of the content already done it stinks that this is a really bad and clunky arena fighting, the Naruto-esque combos are really unsatisfying to do, the combat is mostly hit and run, there is a giant roster of characters but it feels like most of them play the same and the ones with special mechanics just feel like garbage to use. Also there's no 2 player local which is a real stinker.

There's also a original story campaign but you can honestly dismiss it, there's literally nothing really interesting in it, not even fan service wise.

Memes aside a great original low budget with interesting mechanics and even disliking jumpscares the game will still have you on constant fear even without them.

It's it was pretty good, but once they got into Shinra building it became very boring, doesn't help that the Nomura retardation also goes full blown around the same time.

Very good but some levels are much better than others, same for the music, also felt the game finale kinda underwhelming comparing it to some earlier better levels.

Yeah this didn't improve the first game at all, it's mostly more of the same game, absolute cancer animations to react to and the level design seems somehow even worst.

I thought people exagerated of how bad this game was... I was wrong.

This game has single player level design with coop enemy quantities, the second level in the game will have you already grinding through more enemies than the hardest sections of Dead Space 1 or 2 while going through tiny scrawny rooms with enemies non stop spawning on top of you.

The plot is now completely irrelevant, just a excuse background with 0 objective to have you just grind through dark rooms. Isaac is now a literal cuckold who doesn't have anything to do in this story other than being pissed off.

The level design is abysmal, the enemy AI and pathing is much worse than past games, you will hear the enemy but their pathing will get stuck non stop so you will have to go find them multiple times to proceed to the next room.

Did I say the game is filled to the brim with shit asking you if you want to buy MICROTRANSACTIONS?? And holy fuck this weapon customization system is terrible, all the weapons other than Plasma cutter feel worse than previous game, the new weapons are terrible, and the customization is boring, a slog to use (Isaac keeps repeating a lenghty animation everytime you change a weapon) and even buffing weapons they still feel like garbage.

Just pretend this doesn't exist, and wait for Callisto Protocol if you want more Dead Space.

Will definitely be the scariest game you ever played, but not only that, it also leaks in originality and soul, and is also a fun af shooter.

Only not perfect score pecause Zero G segments suck ass and give me nausea.