People meme too much about the trailer, this is actually a huge fun open world, with lots of content and plenty of coop focus. It just gets tiresome when you get to the like third map, but by then you probably already have more than 8 hours of playtime.

I think this had the most underwhelming end game areas of the franchise, both boss, enemy and level wise. Apart from that, it's Dark Souls 4 with a lot of open and empty areas and more reused dungeons and enemies than usual.

Nothing will get your heart pumping like trying to save the last prisoner and escaping.

Just stay away from Shizune path and you're in for great writing and loveable characters written by the hacker known as 4chan.

Pretty mediocre set pieces with lots of rethreading of the original game, only someone in dire need of final fantasy 4 fanservice should play this.

That being said if you want to play this probably stick to the 3D version instead of the PSP one, because it's better balanced and has less grinding, and don't bother with Interlude, it's a waste of time and tells literally nothing.

I REALLY love this mechanically, no combat in any RPG feels as great as this, but it it really crumbles how the unfinished questlines as the game goes on and hopefully Itsuno fixes them on a DLC

I love the idea of Killer 7 + Sniper Elite along with this game's art and sound design, but I think the gimmick here runs dry very fast. It's mostly a game of just trying to find your targets since they are usually completely hidden on the map and less of having fun interesting ways of doing collateral kills and combos.

Extra minor complaint, but there's no real grading system in the game, it just puts you on a general player scoreboard so it's hard to even figure out if you even performed well or not.

The worst written one and with the least gameplay improvements of the trilogy, not even symbiote suit or venom can redeem this.

A flawed misunderstood but still very good original game.

While the game suffers from lack of levels, odd sound design choices, worst controls than the 3 previous games and other inconvenient stuff, It's still a very good horror game, that will definitely scare you with its concept of Room 302 along with a very engaging interesting story.

Would definitely recommend every silent hill fan to give this game another shot if they dropped it.

A great twist of the tycoon genre where the restaurant affects your security guard sections, visually wise is the most interesting looking FNAF with a mix of the horror and the tycoon genre zanyness works great with theme of the game.

This review contains spoilers

Even with the combat with bosses that limit the amount of damage you are allowed to do through phases, or characters like Aeris who was happy go lucky person who happened to be a ancient that had her character butchered to a boring innocent priestess anime girl I would STILL think this was very much above average retake on the story, but THESE NOMURA GHOSTS GARBAGE ARE FUCKIN TERRIBLE

WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FIGHTING A GIANT GOD AND SEPHIROTH AT THE END OF THE MIDGAR SECTION? Not even for personal preference, this shit makes everything else happening in the plot and character progression all B sided, I dont mind character rewrites, maybe some different people dying and surviving, but this turns into literal Kingdom Hearts random bullshit, this and the slog of corridors and boring slog puzzle sections the game just overstays its welcome in every way possible.

Feels ALOT unfinished but has amazing characters and story.

This easily has the most advanced in depth police chase system I have ever seen in a game and is must play just out of that, almost 20 years later, no other game not even GTA 4 or 5 has police this aggresive or interesting.

That being I said I think Rockport map is very meh and the grinding to unlock the next rival does get very annoying.

Warning: Unfinished game, Chapter 3 was never released.