While a good return to formula from the mostly action packed Absolution suffered being, this game still has its fair lot of issues.

Firstly this game had way too many problems on release date, always online, episodic content that is annoying to acquire everything (and some even being time locked and lost forever) and for some reason the game size is over 100gb?

A lot of mechanics were removed, some other were made more complicated, syringes are basically useless, fiber wire always takes a item slot for some motive or even worse being completely removed in certain missions (???), to unlock weapons such as a sniper rifle to use in levels you are obligated to 'replay, grind and level up' which I don't feel is a thing that fits the Hitman franchise, in past games you could simply acquire the weapons with you or buy them in a market system like Blood Money.

There's some other nitpicking I dislike, like the trespassing zones still having trouble being clear of their limits, or how the story feels more uninteresting and unclear than even Absolution, it's a good game, but with 2 and 3 being basically the same system, except the episodic annoying part I can't feel like I like these games as much as I did Blood Money or Contracts.

A bit shorter but still good game, with some neat but flawed execution concepts like race partners, hill battles and gang territory that unfortunately never came back in the franchise.

The writing is as bad as the TV Show finale.

The combat is a fuckin boredom.

We try to imitate PT but we have no idea what makes horror games scary, featuring bluetooth cassette tapes and annoying protagonist that won't shut up.

Despite what the only other review on this page says, Driver franchise already preceded the 3D GTA games.

What did happen is they added shooting mechanics to what should've been only a driving focused game (they added it to Parallel Lines and this game mostly just reuses assets and mechanics from that only downgraded for the PSP).

The shooting segments are really bad, but they are few and far between... that is if you avoid using the guns to easily destroy the cars chasing you.

I like the comic style cutscenes but the protagonist and his main friend are kinda unlikeable but overall it is a quite good open ended game for the PSP with a pretty nifty mission variety and some very ugly car customization that doesn't fit the era if you want to use that.

The card combat actually works here! And the pixel art is great! Please stay away from Re: Chain of memories, or just watch cutscene compilation of it.

The most dogshit metroidvania of them all:

- Controls suck ass you have to double tap to run EVERY SINGLE TIME or install a fan patch
- Getting the cards skills you have to farm for 0.2% droprates or also install a fan patch (which doesn't quite fix the balance)
- Bosses have ridiculous amount of health, your protagonist does no damage unless you farm
- Worst castle layout possible, really bad dead ends in the map, some save rooms are really far away from bosses
- Ice Enemies and everything about them being absolute cancer and they make you want to wish to leave the area asap
- No shops
- The only useful subweapon is the boomerang, every single other is useless

If some of the issues were fixed, it's actually one of the GBA best action games because this game has great art, great music and some great art design.

Everyone keeps saying "but the game is fixed now!"

Nah the core gameplay is a fuckin bore, punching minecraft blocks with a laser on barren boring worlds.

This game caused more damage to horror games than Slender.

While you can barely call this a Dead Rising with the removal of survivors mechanic, the timer is barely even present at all and has such a disjointed story and characters, it still is a fun game.

The combo on the go mechanic gives you a lot to experiment with weapons, the map does reward you for exploring, the tons the combo vehicles mechanic is also great!

The only major problems other than not really being a dead rising game, is that the difficulty feels overall unbalanced, the survivor side quests are pretty much terrible, that they all feel the same, lastly the skill system sucks ass, it worked much better in previous games being automated.

One last thing, be warned, the PC port sucks ass, and this game will probably give you motion sickness without a FOV patch.

I felt Pro Skater 3 levels are a real downgrade from 1 and 2, they are too crazy and barely feel like place to skate in at all, also the revert mechanic fucked up the franchise combo balancing and overall points difficult, with later games only being worst.

While seeing the Black Mesa from another point of view is interesting I feel like this game doesn't do anything interesting with it, it's even more odd that you control the only 'good guy marine', the new weapons and enemies are kinda meh and I felt there were some frustrating level designs.

Just a overall smaller game than the first one, the levels are shorter, the designs are tighter, some are in the daylight that make you have no proper idea when you are hidden or not, the enemy placement is much more annoying and clustered, and there's way too much tailing segments.

It has some cool locations like the train or Jerusalem, but the highest points are so very short, you will finish this game thinking you are still in the half way point of the story of how much it feels disjointed.

It is pretty clear that this was made by a B team while the main devs were creating Chaos Theory, which was what happened.

This game was cancelled, I'm not sure why this is here