I like the new mechanics but game felt too short and underwhelming compared to 4 and 5.

The best Tony Hawk game to this day.

A more or less short expansion to the Spiderman PS4 with a much weaker story and set of characters (the villains are terrible), some new battle mechanics that are pretty nice and work seamless like Miles's venom attack, others not so good like his invisibility.

This may be the best most mind boggling DLC ever made. It's basically Outer Wilds 2 in it's lenght and quality. Go, play it, play the base game and play this now, play it now, NOW

Kill remakes. Behead remakes. Roundhouse kick a remake into the concrete. Slam dunk a remaster into the trashcan. Crucify filthy remakes. Defecate in a remakes food. Launch remakes devs into the sun. Toss remakes enjoyer into active volcanoes. Feed remakes to piranhas. Curbstomp demakes. Judo throw remakes into a wood chipper. Karate chop remakes in half. Pee in a remakes gas tank.

The sheer suffering of knowing 3+4 was cancelled.

Best Frictional gameplay to date. I am very impressed with the open map that you can tackle objectives in different ways and nonscripted enemy encounters. I loved seeing players going in other orders from myself, having various meetings, and finding solutions to problems.
Only very minor issues (why doesn't fire burn wooden doors?) and bugs.
It definitely must play. It was one of the best horror games ever made and a delighted surprise after the disappointment Rebirth was.

Terrible choice to altern protagonist in the middle of story, the level design got alot worse compared to first game, the characters are not as engaging, you may want to skip this game, as it's not satisfying at all. Also it has one of the most disappointing finales (both level design and story wise) I ever seen.

Definition of soulless open world game

As a kid: Wow this game is ass
As a adult: Wow this game is ass

I like the art direction but the gameplay feels like utter jank that gets boring after 5 minutes, the ugly ass animations also do not help.

YOOO Why the fuck is the ammo so limited in this game, it actually makes it so boring and the bad platforming doesn't really help it.

The combat is a fuckin boredom.