Pretty much on the same level as the first game. There's a bit more to this one in terms of characters and mechanics, but it still kinda just provides the same experience. It's some decent fun with friends, but gets old quick.

I always find it funny when a remaster/definitive edition is actually worse than the original release it's trying to improve on. That's kind of the case here.

It creates a wide variety of new issues in an attempt to clear up old ones. Like, the audio mixing is pretty horrible throughout Season Two, which wasnt a problem in the original release. I'm sorry Clem, I literally cannot hear you over the egregious stock wind sound effect peaking my speakers

Logic would suggest this deserves half a star. It's ugly, broken, has terrible voice work with an unnecessarily convoluted bat-shit insane plot, frustrating janky ass gameplay, ironically sluggish load times and most of all, is blatantly unfinished like most of Sonic's 3D catalogue.

This game is SO abysmal, that it circles back around, and is somewhat brilliant for it. I'd rather play this ridiculous shit than Forces which is objectively more functional and coherent.

Unironically a really incredible game that sticks with you. I'd say more, but I'd hate to spoil it for those just discovering it.

Dan Salvato, you wonderful son of a bitch

The Mario Kart game I am by far the worst at, but that doesn't stop me from loving it

One of the better games of the LiS universe, but still not very good.

However I liked the concept and the main character was somewhat charming compared to the other protagonists in the series. Yet again though, the mature situations it tries to tackle are bogged down by how juvenile the writing and acting is.

It gets old rather quickly, but oversaturation of the franchise aside, this is perfectly fine. Fun for what it is and an interesting spooky little concept that's fun to play with others for a while.

Follows in the footsteps of DONTNOD's other work. Being embarrassingly written with pretty terrible voice acting, and a bland tone.

I really wish this team had competent storytellers behind it, because between this and the Life Is Strange games, they're one of the very few studios that prominently include minorities that aren't often represented in video games. Sometimes not very well, but attempts have been made, which is more than you can say for the many game studios that pretend these people do not exist. 'Tell Me Why' is the first game EVER to have a trans man as a lead (as far as i know) which is super fucking cool! It's just such a shame that this first trans lead is in game that is so fucking boring and unremarkable that i would rather be doing literally anything else.

Is this better than Life Is Strange? To be perfectly honest i don't think so. While extremely bad, I at least felt something when playing LiS (albeit mostly annoyance.) But here I was just so bored. I'd rather play a game that makes me frustrated than one that makes me feel literally nothing.

Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Has a very thought provoking idea, but just feels kinda eh once you're done with it.

What a dumpster fire.

A genuinely interesting and new premise for this exhausted series that falls flat on it’s execution and provides us with a multiple choice ending that is so obviously rushed by sleep deprived developers, it’s downright hilarious. Also nobody’s fault I guess, but Greg is so fucking annoying. I was rooting for Jessica Rabbit by the end.

Please give developers and their teams enough time to make their products instead of putting unfinished forced labour like this out into the world.

I honestly have no idea why this is so good, it just is.

I don’t think it was intended necessarily, but Rafe was such a funny petty rich boy, I couldn’t help but love him despite the game constantly reminding me how awful he is

The auction scene is one of my favourites scenes out of any game. Impeccable atmosphere during it, and the tight writing between characters makes it all the better. That pretty much goes without saying throughout the whole experience. The incredibly over the top set pieces are of course really fun to play through, but the characters and their relationships/conflicts with one another are the best part of this series, as they are handled very naturally. I really liked Elena here as I wasn’t always a fan of her portrayal in earlier games, but that may just be a product of writing styles changing in the industry over the years, especially where women are concerned.

Definitely the most grounded game out of the 4, which makes it stick out a little, but as a whole it still works wonderfully. A satisfying close to an iconic franchise with one of my favourite final bosses in gaming. Expect nothing less from Naughty Dog.

The fucking sweaty state my 6 year old self would be in after boxing with Matt for 2 hours

This game wishes it was as life altering as Wii Sports.

Kind of a nothing burger. Badminton is alright but the few other activities are not that fun.

I think this is what started my gaming addiction.