The last final fantasy of the squaresoft era and honestly it was a banger.

A beginning a bit slow to my opinion but once I got past Lindblum I found myself getting interested in the overall plot and then it just kept getting better and better, but even with that I still found the pacing dragging from time to time. Characters are fleshed out, the soundtrack is amazing and the art style is charming enough so that it doesn’t feel too outdated (then again it’s a remaster after all)

I wasn’t a big fan of how the ATB is handled here or or maybe it’s just that I didn’t spend enough time trying to fully understand it.

Better late than never.

God of War Ragnarok is an excellent sequel to the already amazing God of War 2018. Enemy variety, location variety, spectacular fight and cutscene sequences better challenge and the heartwarming conclusion of a story between a father and son learning about each other.

I want to be kinder to this game but at the same time cybersleuth came out a year prior and the difference between the two is day and night.

Maybe it’s just the type of game that digimon next world is and that it’s not for me but even taking that into account, while I did found a certain appeal to the monster raising aspect of the game, everything else felt very mediocre.

Tale of Kenzara : Zau has been on my radar since its announcement at the last game awards.

A relatively short game but full of passion and a very heart warming story about grief and how one can process it. The gameplay and soundtrack were very solid as well and at times the game even surprised me in some of the battle challenge. Not to mention a beautiful art style mixed with African culture, giving this game a proper identity.

Quite possibly one of the finest game that came out of modern Ubisoft. Prince of Persia: The lost crown is a fantastic game with beautiful art style, challenging but fun battles and puzzles.

I want to particularly shoutout the huge amount of accessibility from a visual and gameplay standpoint, I was genuinely surprised by how much you could customize the game to your own liking.

Only thing that I wish was done slightly better is the storyline, which is kind of non memorable, especially put against its legendary predecessors.

This certainly was an experience. I haven’t played the original dragon’s dogma and so everything was new to me. I had no idea of how brutal this game would be toward me in the beginning.

But then I became good at it turned slightly easier. Still, this game is such a mixed bag. It’s a game that prides itself in having the players make mistakes, learn from them and get better. It encourages players to interact with the world and the NPCs but i wasn’t a fan of how vague everything else was made in order to implement that aspect.

Overall a good game, just not something for me.

Final fantasy 7 rebirth is everything I want in a video game and a final fantasy. A vast and entertaining adventure composed of an amazing well written cast, memorable soundtrack, unforgettable events, full of silliness, laugh, charm, heartwarming, emotional and over the top action scene.

I’m not one to really care about graphics but even I could not ignore how amazing the sheer scale of each locations are, in particular the cities or hub. I was prepared for some of them to not be as much developed as the rest of the game but I couldn’t be more wrong. Each of them have a distinct identity and atmosphere that makes them unique and worth exploring.

And when it comes to combat, it’s everything I want in a sequel: Take a solid formula and expend on it and that is what 7 rebirth is all about. 7 remake was already solid in term of gameplay and 7 rebirth makes it even better at some point you practically feel like watching advent children expect you are in charge of how the fight scene looks. And for those seeking challenging fight, I think you will have your needs satisfied, especially in endgame.

Another strong point about this game that I feel people might not talk much about is the fantastic voice acting. I played on English dub and I know some people are iffy about it but to me everybody sounded exceptional, in particular Barret, Cloud, Tifa, Cid and Cait Sith. Major props to each voice actor.

Like any game not everything is perfect and in the case of 7 rebirth, I have some question regarding endgame moment but as of right now I feel like they’re minor nitpicks that hopefully will give me answer by the time this trilogy is over.

Mafia 2 is a repetitive but good game. The enemy AI could be annoying at times and I could do without the racist remark but other than it’s a solid game that aged well enough in term of graphics.

Mafia is a good game. Despite its limited cast and linear story progression I enjoyed my time. A fun video game take on the typical story about a civilian who joined a crime mob, enjoys his time until he decide to not be part of it anymore, which brings a lot of drama in the mix.

Although in my opinion, the game ended a bit abruptly. There was a lot more that could have been made not only for the main character but a lot of side characters as well.

This game proves again that Insomniac truly understand the Spider-Man experience.

Naturally, by taking full advantage of the ps5, the game was even greater technically than its predecessor and propose an excellent fluidity for the battle system as well as traversal in the city.

But what truly impressed me was the writing for this game. Spider-Man and Miles Morales were great games with an excellent storyline but Spider-Man 2 went above and beyond to give us a story that many have seen coming if they’re even a tiny bit knowledgeable about comics, while still throwing in some interesting choice that were quite surprising me for me.

And lastly I just want to give a shoutout to Yuri Lowenthal who has given a terrific performance as Peter Parker.

I don’t remember much of my time playing Horizon Zero Dawn so I can’t say how much this sequel hold its own against it but looking at it from a standalone game, Horizon Forbidden west was a great experience.

Stunning graphics and performances, a solid storyline with interesting new characters and a world fun to explore at your own leisure.

My main gripe with the game is the combat, particularly the camera. On higher difficulty it’s always best to keep your sight on the targets but often I end up running into a wall and from there I get disoriented, which caused me multiple death.

There is also the mount mechanics that I found very tedious to use. Even after deactivating the auto following road feature, it didn’t make driving them less tricky.

Overall I had a fun time and I will probably look into it’s sequel once it’s out as well.

A great game to play in local with a S/O or friends. It gets chaotic quickly.



If ‘’practice makes perfect’’ was a game.

Shorter than I anticipated, but the challenge as I tried to get better made it that I still had enough of a good time. It’s typically on of those games that you just endlessly replay either to get a perfect score or to self impose yourself extra challenge

Without a doubt one of the strongest game of this generation. The amount of care and details put into it is a love letter to everything great of the medium.

It has brillant writing both for the plot and the characters, an amazing soundtrack, rewards creativity, encourages players to think outside of the box with the tools provided, a perfect balance between fun without being too easy and some of the best voice acting I’ve heard.

Larian gave us one of a kind experience, and it’s replay value makes it a game I will revisit often. The only thing keeping it from being a 5 stars for me is that this game suffer from a glitch that sometimes locks you either in dialogues or combat turn. It gets particularly frustrating once you’ve been in fight for 10+ minutes after making careful decisions, and you’re then forced to restart it.

The second massive expansion of this game.

It’s an interesting one considering that unlike Heavensward which had a clear singular storyline, stormblood is divided into the ala mhigo revolution and the doma conflitc.

The former overall was really fun and engaging, while the latter at moments felt like the pacing was dragging for far too long.

Im not sure how the upcoming expansions will compare but I also found that the map and locations for this expansion were confusing. Very often I found myself having difficulties navigating.

Once I got past the main storyline, came the patch quest for this expansion. 4.1 and 4.2 were alright but 4.3 was fantastic and definitely the highlight of Stormblood for me.