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1 day ago

Slarvath completed Nour: Play with Your Food
press buttons to make food appear and occasionally stuff happens for no discernable reason

3 days ago

Slarvath is now playing Rabbit & Steel

4 days ago

4 days ago

Slarvath is now playing Steins;Gate

4 days ago

Slarvath completed Higurashi When They Cry Hou+
In fandom rp and fanfic, there's something I like to call Time To Soul Factory. It's named after undertale rp because I did a lot of that when I was a kid, and it's the idea that you can gauge an rp's quality by how fast souls become a commodity that's farmed like gil in ff14. It's the point at which the lore cannibalizes itself and becomes complete nonsense that only holds weight to those already overly invested. That's hou+, and it's gloriously stupid. Shit that was vaguely hinted at in episode 8 is extrapolated upon to an almost comedic degree and it's dumb as fuck. I think it's supposed to be ridiculous but like. Man. Knocking points for obnoxious shitty fanservice just like Rei.

It also spoils the fuck out of Gou and Setsu in the afterparty which I hadn't seen yet so that's cool.

4 days ago

Slarvath reviewed Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
lisa the first type game, not much to it but it's got some clever stuff

7 days ago

Slarvath completed Marvel's Spider-Man 2
every spiderman 2 quest

"spiderman, you need to go find The Killsterminator's hideout or else the legacy of james schulyer's contributions to the new york city poetry scene will be lost forever!

spiderman: "looks like i need to use some iambic peter-meter"

Killsterminator during a 7 phase boss fight: "i stole the poems because i don't like what i see in the mirror"

Kraven the Hunter: "just killed 700 people"

7 days ago

11 days ago

Slarvath earned the Listed badge

12 days ago

Slarvath abandoned Higurashi When They Cry Hou: Rei
wow this is bad
The episode 9 epilogue is a pointless "eat a kitten or your whole family dies" false dilemma that means absolutely nothing outside of some relationship development between rika and someone who had like 10 lines in the original. The premise is dumb and it doesn't do anything interesting with it.
It's also packaged with two "comedy" chapters, and by comedy i mean adult characters wanting to bang preteens. I tapped out when I realized that was all it was gonna be.
You can skip this.

12 days ago

Slarvath commented on Archagent's list Games With A Tanker Prologue
too many cod games to count do an intro where you play as a char that dies before picking up the real main char

13 days ago

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