final fantasy retrospective

i like these games
I think out of any long running series, final fantasy is probably the one i like the most and consider myself a fan of, so here's my continually updating list of FF games and what I think about them/my history with them. I'm including spinoffs but only ones I've played.

The first game! I owned Dawn of Souls as a kid but could never beat it. Once the pixel remasters came out, I sat down and finished this game and it's surprisingly good. It is exactly what you'd expect but there's a lot of humor and charm, and seeing the prototype for every rpg for the next few decades was fun.
I don't like this game but it's not my least favorite FF. The plot is a whole lotta "and then this happened, and then this happened", and the battle system is weird. It's not bad, but during the second half the encounter design gets real annoying.
Haven't played, but looking to sometime on the pixel remaster.
Pretty much just a more solid version of 2's story with some mechanics that would come to be series staples. It's definitely of its time but holds up pretty well. I owned a snes copy but never played it, and finally finished it on pixel remaster.
FFV my beloved. My favorite FF game for many years although I think 14 may have dethroned it by sheer hours at this point. I've played this since I was a teenager on Vita, had a ps1 copy, and also have the pixel remaster. It's great, the best the classic series gameplay ever got. I never finished it, though, because it's real hard.
Bangin. 10/10. Stellar in every way. Deserves all the praise from 40somethings it gets and then some, this was ahead of its time in so many ways.
Another I played as a kid. This time I had the demo disc for ps1 forever, but never got to play it because my parents forbade me till I was a teenager. I picked it up properly for 1 dollar at a swap meet and played the hell out of it, but never got too far. It's a huge game, and one that dumb kid slarv got very lost in. Still, it's amazing, and I'm trying to beat it proper when I can.
My copy of this is scuffed and only boots when I put in the second disc and then the first. I don't know why. I have it on ps5 too, but haven't touched it.
Another scuffed physical copy. 1 dollar from a swap meet but it's scratched to shit and barely runs. You get what you pay for. I did play this on vita as a teenager and thought it was mid because everything took soooo long. Definitely looking to revisit with modern speedup stuff. That's a problem with all the ps1 FF games I think.
The first final fantasy I took a real big bite out of, I bought the hd remaster on vita and had a great time. I didn't finish it, but I got pretty far. Past the calm lands at least. Definitely one worth revisiting.
I've never had a more strong negative first impression of a game. Signing up for FF11's dogshit online service took me 2 hours, and then I get into the game and it looks like this. I get it's an old game but they've done absolutely nothing to update it even remotely to be beginner friendly in UI terms. The last thing I wanted to do after all that shit was fiddle with mods to make it look like a real video game, so I uninstalled and never played it again. Filtered, I know.
Ehhhh... This is one I have to force myself to like. I've gotten to about the midpoint I think, and I intend to finish it, but I'm stuck in Zalera's boss room because foolish me thought there would be another way out of the waterworks when I was too low level. The battle system here is what makes or breaks it for you, and I think it's got some great ideas but isn't polished enough. The story's good though.
I didn't hate playing this when I was a kid but trying as an adult I just found the combat very tedious and the story oddly simplistic. It doesn't really establish a world, just shows you visuals and lets you fill in the details, and that's not my tempo.
My first FF, my probably favorite. I have 1200 hours and counting in this game. I've beaten all the expansions, run savage raids, leveled most of the classes. I love it. I played off and on since Heavensward but when Endwalker released that's when I was really hooked and finally finished it.
I love this game but it's a mess. The multimedia thing as an attempt to salvage a story out of Nomura's most likely incomprehensible notes didn't work at all, betraying a genuinely decent lore with a story that has barely anything to do with it. Doesn't really matter though because the main draw of the game is chilling with da homies and killing monsters.
Man people really turned on this game quick. Well, I thought it was cool. It's not like, my favorite FF but it has some insanely fun moments, and I think the combat was pretty good but I hope it's not the new system moving forward and they experiment with more types.
I have this on PSP and am gonna dive into it as soon as I'm done with persona 1.
A weird, weird psp game that doesn't play very good and has a story that feels like a KH fanfic. Didn't finish.
Played the first bit of this and thought it was fine. For nomura that's a high bar
I touched this one on my vita while playing X but never really dove into it. Its ideas were goofy and it just felt like a side story rather than a genuine continuation.
I remember I played this on my ancient ipod touch and it was a lot of fun but I never bought the rest of the episodes. Maybe something to remedy someday.
Bought this before a long train ride when I was a teenager and thought it was boring as sin.
Sick as hell, please more dlc
I'm kind of convinced the mana series is a psyop
My preorder bonus for ffxv was this piece of shit
Bounced right off the combat but this game is funny as hell
I wasn't into ffxv enough to download the lunafreya boobie clash of clans knockoff but i was enough into it to download this slop for 1 extra potion in a game where they cost 100 gil


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