I dont think I could say anything meaningful about this game that hasn't already been said. Cmon everybody has seen and played this game. To me it's the first 10/10 game.

Mario 2 is a lot of fun and different. I liked it growing up. I liked being peach cause she could float. Luigi had the big funny jump. It's fun being toad. I feel like mario needed something to stand out.

Best Mario game even still to this day. Blowed my mind how big it was at release. So many cool power ups and varied levels with just the right amount of difficulty. A blast to play with friends too. Best 2D mario for sure.

I really liked the swamp thing cartoon growing up and I had this game to. It sucks. Feels like an LJN game. ST moves like molasses and jumps like a dork. Every enemy looks dumb and is always out of hit range. Played it many times hoping to get farther and maybe have some fun but I never did.

Not really a football fan but I had some fun with this a couple of times. I remember playing this in grade school for some reason. Always lost though. I didn't know how broken bo jackson was.

I know people hate this game but honestly I think it's objectively great. Yes it's hard. Yes there is bullshit in it. And yes even I haven't beaten it. Furthest I got was to the techodrome. However it's a decent platformer with an open world, multiple playable characters, varied enemy types (even if most are completely made up) and different types of stages. It's pretty ambitious but problematic. It's fun and frustrating to play at the same time. Why donny so good and raph so bad? Why is this underwater level so hard (it's not that bad), why do enemies respawn so fast, why are some pizza's impossible to get, why can't I make this jump?, why is this room useless AHAHAH. This was an early NES game for me and I get it. But I kept coming back to it despite it all and I have many memories good and bad it at the very least is an infamous NES game and for that I think a 8/10 fits for me.

8/9/22 I finally beat this game after like 25 years of playing. Feels good bros!

A good NES conversion from the arcade game despite being different. It was just cool to play this at home and play the big daddy version at arcades. It's a solid NES game. Just wish it was a tad easier and less arcade bullshit with the bosses. TMNT3 is more refined.

Best beat um up on the NES and best turtles game. I loved the the varied stages an different bosses. Felt really complete for it's time. Plus as a kid even though bebop and rocksteady wasn't in it I loved how they added tokka and razar from the movies. Plus super shredder final boss theme is legit. Played this a ton back in the day. Still like to play it every couple of years.

It's tetris. I mean what is there to say about it.

My friend had this and all I remember was it was a bad mini game compilation. All I remember was the dumb meatball game and the bad voice overs.

A great licensed game. I rented it a good amount and it's easy to see why it's fun, colorful, all the characters from the show and some good music. Game is simple but balanced and I could see any fan of the show enjoying it. As soon as I see level one I can already hear the TT theme.

Pales in comparison to the first game


I loved this game. Great in single player and with a buddy. I know a lot of people prefer the arcade version for it's claymation graphics but cmon the NES version looks great too. The little cutscenes of the cave men thinking up ways of getting the dino's always made me laugh. Gameplay was like a mix of pac man and a beat um up. Crazy to me as a kid. Plus trying to get as far as you could was always a challenge. There was like 100 stages. Go for a high score? Out last your buddy? CoOp with your buddy? Always fun to me. Holds up incredibly well. Top class NES game.

Just a knight climbing a tree. Nuff said.

I loved this game as a kid. I remember it being really hard and it can be if you don't know what your supposed to do. I remember the pizza challenge stages being hard but now I see they are just luck and how many things you found in the level. The platforming stages can be fun at least IMO but can't igore one hit deaths errg. Not winning any awards but it has a special place in my heart.