that soundtrack... makes me wanna boogie!

easily the most boring of the three most recent Elder Scrolls games but the Dark Brotherhood stuff is nice

Absolutely miserable game if played with a high difficulty mod, and yet I strongly believe that that's when the game is at its most compelling, interesting and immersive

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not content with a single "I was telling this story to the man I've been hunting for years all along" twist, Gunslinger's writers hit you with the one-two punch of revealing that the wide-eyed child character was actually teenage Dwight D. Eisenhower. Had to Google "Dwight Eisenhower cowboy" to make sure this wasn't a historical reference I was missing, but I don't care it's silly and cool and I love it Gunslinger's writing and tone and general style is so confident that it just left me with a huge fucking grin on my face. Ride em' cowboy.

Thank you Bioware for adding gay romance options for Maleshep and having them be the most universally hated guy from the first game and man whose primary character trait is that he's sad his husband died. If you weren't cowards you would have had Wrex miraculously turn out to be bisexual so we could actually have a real goddamn meal but nooooooo. Idk you CAN save Steve Cortez's life by dicking him down so good he stops caring about his dead husband and decides not to die in a shuttle crash at the end of the game. Loves wins <3

I remember this being a lot of fun but I feel like a game with writing that's just kind of grating shouldn't put its writing at the forefront

always had a fascination with this one and tried to play it a few times growing up until I finally finished it. Genuinely excellent atmosphere, solidly terrifying at points, really drags in the final act though


It's a simple, addictive little thing that manages to develop a really interesting, vaguely unsettling atmosphere over its handful of areas. "Bullet hell tennis" is a really strong concept in and of itself, but I can appreciate that there was clearly a (mostly successful) effort here to say something and have a neat little minimalist, kind of meta story to give the player an incentive to see it through to the credits. Also if you're interested in this game don't look at the trailer because it spoils something kinda neat that happens towards the end

you know Les Claypool seems like the kind of guy who would be into scoring a game with this premise. I mean that in the nicest way possible even though this game plays atrociously